I had some that came in a starter pack with an eGo - menthol was my favourite :-) been mixing my own recently with some truly horrendous results lol ... Getting better now though thankfully!
Best juice I've tasted is spider venom from vapemunki - bloody lovely
I havent tried a butterscotch one yet I have a few one ones to taste where'd you recommend to get a good 60/40 or 70/30 butterscotch liquid? loving the honesty haha
I other half went searching for a vaping shop once I got fed up with the cig-a-like, I only used it for 2 days and was fed up, anyway he came back with an itaste device and about 7 juices, first one I opened was blueberry, changed my life
Sorry meant RY4 not DK4 lol. Richi I'm not sure what the mix is for VIP butterscotch but it's the best I tasted so far. Was really hoping to buy juice cheaper but unfortunately can't find other juice that matches VIP taste. Still got 4 bottles of 20ml of RY4 and Butterscotch from SmokShop but can't stand the taste.
Im finding the most tasteful of the bunch of liquids i have are colinss but i cant seem to find them on sale in many places, luckily my local shop black country vapes stock them at 3x 10ml for £10 which is decent
If you don't count the rather odd tobacco flavoured stuff they used in the cig-a-like I tried first, my first e-liquid was Hangsen RY4 which I didn't like. Shortly after that I started using Hangsen Vanilla as my very first all day vape.