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What was the first juice you bought/tried

I had Vape Escape's 'Deluxe' which I think is a kind of RY-4 tobaccoey flavour. I found is vapable but harsh as fuck. Moved quite quickly to Grizwald's Apple Tabac and Mrs Lord's Sarsaparilla at work and Red Lady in the evenings. Tanks all over the shop.. .

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My first liquid was Totally Wicked vanilla, it was pretty good TBH.

I now only use Hangsen fruit flavours.
Flavour vapours blueberry. Got me hooked straight away! any one had any experience with flavour vapour?
I went for Tobacco first (no surprise!) but found Blueberry & RY4 not long after & well then it all got silly. It was like buying shoes, tried loads of others then went back to those!!
First I tried was a friends tobacco which wasn't too great.

Then I bought some awful cart based thing from DX, think there was a menthol, a red bull and a coffee.
This was when I discovered I couldn't handle the PG.

A friend bought me a VG Camel kit which again was pretty awful but I later used that with an ego starter kit to mix my own liquids.

In a month I think I've bought 18 flavours to try..
Menthol by k (made by ekarma) 18mg 10ml bottle from a cigar shop in brum, running through my first ego lol. How some things have changed :rotflmao:

Is a nice juice. Shame ive learnt not to buy stuff without the triangle on the bottle :D
im loving the pear drops juice from de-bang its so tasty i cant get off it atm! 70/30 mix i think
sorry computer went a bit mad i started with all the horrible ones coca cola red bull all the energy drinks and i don't recommend a single one lol
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