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What's the deal with....


Feb 5, 2014
....twisted kanthal? I see it pop up here from time to time...i went into my brick and mortar the other day and the regulars were discussing and singing its praise, its all over YouTube...so i got curious and gave it a whirl...i did it just like riptripper and got a perfect tight even twisted 28, made my 8/7 dual microcoil running at .6 ohms with an organic c cotton wick, popped in a fresh fully charged MNKE, fired it up ....and was severely disappointed...the result was a really slow, uncomfortably hot Vape that produced about as much of a cloud as a evod with a ce4...so I'm wondering, what the hell is all the fuss about? did i miss something?


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  • 1394945303066.jpg
    50.3 KB · Views: 62
I am running a single twisted coil in my Luxe RDA and honestly cant tell the difference
between a twisted coil and a normal coil. Having said that, it was fun to build a twisted coil :D
I've tried it too with some .2, mainly to use it up. I didn't see much difference over normal kanthal either. It does look pretty though if you like that sort of thing.
As the vapour production is dependent on the area of hot wire in contact with the juice, twisting thinner wires creates thicker wire which has a greater surface area which increases the amount of vapour. That said, I've tried various gauges of twisted kanthal and had mediocre results, not what I was promised anyway. I was wandering about the Web lastnight and came across a coil made by twisting wire with a strip of mesh, gave it a try and decided that yet again I'd wasted my time as the result couldn't be mounted in any of my devices.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
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