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When does a competition become an advertising campaign? And is that okay?

Meh, I saw the competition, read half way through and gave it a thorough ignoring.

If people want to jump through hoops by sharing dickpics and dumb slogans on social media in the off-chance of winning a voucher or an instantly forgettable pod system good luck to them. Personally I can't be arsed.
Way 2: Show your Kipo
Make Kipo a part of your style.
1.Share a photo or video to show your Kipo.

What exactly is a Kipo? I have no idea, I googled it, is it some sort of animation?
very little is for free in life, all comes at a price. As i found out yday for parking up for 10min and got a ticket for the value of £45. that cost me for being lazy :)
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Would never use Facebook under any circumstances. Especially when some company just wants your details so they can bombard you with advertising. If they want to promote themselves by giving stuff away then they should just do it by drawing names randomly from a list.
More than likely the small print will say entering gives them ownership of the image entered. Giving them hundreds or thousands of insta model images using thier products to use as they wish for advertising. Much cheaper than going to a model agency and paying for a photoshoot.

I remember sony doing one on a photoshop forum for the playstation meaning they got hundreds of photoshopped (some very professional) images to choose from for use in thier ad campaigns for less than it would cost them to buy the photoshop software.
What exactly is a Kipo? I have no idea, I googled it, is it some sort of animation?

I got as far as "Show your realness to make waves."....

Is this some reference to Archimedes? If I jump in a pool and create a wave does this show I'm real and why do they want a picture of that? Do you guys really want a picture of my hairy belly?

I'm confused.
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