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Where can I buy the GS 360 clearomizer in the UK?


Jul 30, 2012
I have been looking everywhere, but I can't find them for sale in the UK. Does anybody know of a place? Cheers.

Im a search-a-holic and they were buried about 3-4 pages in after all the alibaba.com pages :D I hope they can order you some carto's to purchase separately from the batts!
I forgot I posted this thread, it's been awhile now and here is my review on it.

Good vapour production.

Leaks and both ends. If you leave it on its side over night you will wake up with a small puddle of liquid on your desk.

Gurgling noise when you puff on it, it's the juice in the tip.

I had it in my pocket, went to sit in my car and the bottom part that screws to the battery popped off.

Looks ugly.

Too often you get a nasty burnt taste.

Over priced.

Avoid this product, It was a total waste of money, in fact I don't know why I haven't chucked it in the bin yet. I used it for about 3 days and I will never use it again
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