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Where do you buy your wire

Anybody say stealthvape?
Nope, nobody.

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Stealthvape you say? Never heard of 'em. They dont have n80 in high guage everytime i check, they do have Chaddos cotton tho which is like unicorn tears to find.. Crazy Wire n80 has been a bit oily/dirty last few times ive ordered, and there alien wire is just claptonned ribbon wire. Stay well away from UD wire, its bloody aweful.
Hi All,

Where the best place to buy different types wire from. Im really into building now :) but looking to get some spools of Aliens, Clapton and other wire.

Any recommendations?

I used to buy pre made alien etc but I've just been using 23g wire doctor recently. You wraps around a 3mm post and it's perfect for me. Lots of flavour and lost of vapour. Can't fault it
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