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Where to list an item for sale on here?


Jun 1, 2022
So, I pulled the trigger on an RTA.

It's the Hellvape MD - it being my first RTA I cannot wick it properly. I bought a .9ohm coilogy prebuilt coils and bacon prime to go in it but I get a spitback and gurgling every time. Tried to rewick, recoil x6 but just cannot get it right so I think I'll stick to my Nautilus 3 for now... Although really wanted to try NET's.. I'm now thinking of selling it but how do I list on this forum please?

So, I pulled the trigger on an RTA.

It's the Hellvape MD - it being my first RTA I cannot wick it properly. I bought a .9ohm coilogy prebuilt coils and bacon prime to go in it but I get a spitback and gurgling every time. Tried to rewick, recoil x6 but just cannot get it right so I think I'll stick to my Nautilus 3 for now... Although really wanted to try NET's.. I'm now thinking of selling it but how do I list on this forum please?

Mind if i ask u a question? Not tryin to force u to keep trying, but a cpl things.
1. What mix juice? Try thicker, even if it says 70/30 shouldnt work, theres no rule.
2. Are u using wrapped wire? It is easier to stop spitback on unwrapped wire, in my very limited experience.

3.gurgeling, just keep fluffing (not thinning) and pressing into the corners till u fill the cracks, or if u r using 2.5 switch to 3mm to have more cotton to begin with

In the future...tanks that have airflows above the deck, not underneath it are much harder to flood, less likely to gurgle

Side airflows are also less likely to spitback directly up into your mouth.

In the meantime, just do what i do sometimes, use the stock coils to vape and the rebuildable to practice when u r in the mood.

Just from one slightly less beginner to another, to help u not get discouraged
I had my tank pee every where yesterday and definitely needed more cotton in Chanel’s x I have been playing with Clapton and twisted coils and the spit back is terrible (my personal opinion) x a single wire coil definitely doesn’t give me that x
Wicking can be a funny thing, you put a build in and it's perfect 1st time, then you put a build in exactly the same and things go wrong (Mesh is the worst for this happening imo). You just have to keep trying, Cotton and Wire cost very little so it boils down to time and patience. Some Tanks are more forgiving than others and i think the MD is usually in the easy category imo. All you can do is keep trying, post pics of your build on here and watch video's. Remember though that the Amount of Cotton in wicking tutorials is obviously magnified by the Camera so often looks more than it is. Good Luck, it will be worth it in the end, don't give up at the 1st hurdle.
another thing to remember is this time of year with the hot temps a perfect build that didnt leak last week can piss out everywhere in the last few days. hot weather can thin juice quite a lot and affect any tank, rda, rta to leak.

yesterday was 28 in my room. used a juice received 60vg in one of my top airflow zeus.
went back to it 10 mins later and the tank was empty. luckily as its top airflow it didnt leak out everwhere but had flooded the coil totally and was sitting in the bottom of the tank.
used same make but different flavour 60vg last week and no issues.
So, I pulled the trigger on an RTA.

It's the Hellvape MD - it being my first RTA I cannot wick it properly. I bought a .9ohm coilogy prebuilt coils and bacon prime to go in it but I get a spitback and gurgling every time. Tried to rewick, recoil x6 but just cannot get it right so I think I'll stick to my Nautilus 3 for now... Although really wanted to try NET's.. I'm now thinking of selling it but how do I list on this forum please?


I only use cotton bacon prime - it is very easy to not use enough cotton, if the wick slides through the cotton without pulling at the coil it will spit and gurgle like crazy because the cotton is too loosely held inside the coil.

Generally MTL coils are wrapped from thin wire and it doesn't take much to drag them out of position when wicking. Try using more cotton than you have previously, Twist the end of the wick to a HARD point (don't be scared of twisting the crap out of it as this bit of cotton will be cut away and discarded), feed it through the coil and pull it through (you may have to hold the coil in position with your thumbnail to stop the cotton dragging the coil out of position). If the cotton slides through easily YOU HAVEN'T USED ENOUGH, If there is too much cotton it will bunch up and you will have to use force to pull it through which means YOU HAVE USED TOO MUCH ( in this case just back the cotton out a little, pinch a tiny sliver of the cotton between your finger and thumb and peel it away to thin the cotton slightly - it helps if you gently twist the remainder of the cotton you are trying to pull through the coils and smooth it with your fingers. Then try to feed this slightly thinner length of wick through the coil.

What I think you are missing is the knowledge of how much resistance you need to FEEL when putting cotton through a coil. Too little and it slides through too easily, too much and it will drag the coil out of position and totally distort it. You need to be somewhere in the middle where the cotton is held fairly firmly inside the coil, but not so firm the cotton is compressed so tightly juice cannot travel through the fibres (which will give dry hits and burnt cotton).

Unfortunately how much resistance you should feel cannot be learned from Youtube build instruction vids or looking a photographs of other people's builds,. The cotton shouldn't slide through without resistance, it also shouldn't have to be forced through, you should just feel some resistance - but how much is some? Enough to pull the coil - but not drag it. What??

I recommend you try again using a little more cotton, if you get frustrated just put it to one side and come back to it when you're less wound up. Learning how to wick any RTA is a frustrating experience and knowing how tightly to wick and how much cotton to use in the juice ports catches pretty much everyone out at first, but when it clicks into place it's kind of like learning how to ride a bike.

Personally I don't think you should sell it, if you buy a different RTA you will probably still have the same issue and if you give up totally you will be stuck with stock coils/pods forever. For the moment vape whatever you're currently using and just have a go at wicking the damn thing occasionally when you have a spare half hour, if you screw up don't get wound up or worry too much, just put it away and come back to it later - almost everybody goes through the same stage with RTAs
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I only use cotton bacon prime - it is very easy to not use enough cotton, if the wick slides through the cotton without pulling at the coil it will spit and gurgle like crazy because the cotton is too loosely held inside the coil.

Generally MTL coils are wrapped from thin wire and it doesn't take much to drag them out of position when wicking. Try using more cotton than you have previously, Twist the end of the wick to a HARD point (don't be scared of twisting the crap out of it as this bit of cotton will be cut away and discarded), feed it through the coil and pull it through (you may have to hold the coil in position with your thumbnail to stop the cotton dragging the coil out of position). If the cotton slides through easily YOU HAVEN'T USED ENOUGH, If there is too much cotton it will bunch up and you will have to use force to pull it through which means YOU HAVE USED TOO MUCH ( in this case just back the cotton out a little, pinch a tiny sliver of the cotton between your finger and thumb and peel it away to thin the cotton slightly - it helps if you gently twist the remainder of the cotton you are trying to pull through the coils and smooth it with your fingers. Then try to feed this slightly thinner length of wick through the coil.

What I think you are missing is the knowledge of how much resistance you need to FEEL when putting cotton through a coil. Too little and it slides through too easily, too much and it will drag the coil out of position and totally distort it. You need to be somewhere in the middle where the cotton is held fairly firmly inside the coil, but not so firm the cotton is compressed so tightly juice cannot travel through the fibres (which will give dry hits and burnt cotton).

Unfortunately how much resistance you should feel cannot be learned from Youtube build instruction vids or looking a photographs of other people's builds,. The cotton shouldn't slide through without resistance, it also shouldn't have to be forced through, you should just feel some resistance - but how much is some? Enough to pull the coil - but not drag it. What??

I recommend you try again using a little more cotton, if you get frustrated just put it to one side and come back to it when you're less wound up. Learning how to wick any RTA is a frustrating experience and knowing how tightly to wick and how much cotton to use in the juice ports catches pretty much everyone out at first, but when it clicks into place it's kind of like learning how to ride a bike.

Personally I don't think you should sell it, if you buy a different RTA you will probably still have the same issue and if you give up totally you will be stuck with stock coils/pods forever. For the moment vape whatever you're currently using and just have a go at wicking the damn thing occasionally when you have a spare half hour, if you screw up don't get wound up or worry too much, just put it away and come back to it later - almost everybody goes through the same stage with RTAs

Now!! This is a top notch motivational speach :D I only paid 20 quid for it so might as well keep it and try to learn. I will post a photo on here later on so one of you good souls can guide me a bit more and see if I maybe do something wrong. Is it normal for this RTA to get really hot after a couple of puffs and I mean a couple? I used the coilology MTL SS316L 28GA 2.5 ID round wire coils at 0.9ohm at around 13 Watts

Another question is - would it be ok to vape 70/30 in the MD on a MTL mode? I've managed to cut down the nicotine from 18mg to 6mg within a matter of 6-7 weeks? And I'm ready to move on onto shortfills as they come out a lot cheaper. I vape around 4-5mls of juice a day now so the
shortfills would be ideal. Thanks again everyone
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Adding 2 x 100% pg nicshots to 50ml 70/30 shortfill will result in 50/50 ratio. it won't be 6mg as many think, it will be 5.14mg

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