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Where's Boris?

I work in a similar way. Not only that, if you steam in looking for 'who's to blame' rather than 'what went wrong' then everybody gets defensive and people start covering their backs instead of telling the truth. Everything then gets harder to work out and takes longer.
Exactly :2thumbsup:
Honestly? Because I'm personally not convinced any other British government would be much better. The word 'scandal' is a bit much IMHO too. Reeks of mud-slinging. I'm interested in what might have gone wrong, you can't put things right if you don't, but not all that interested in playing the 'blame game'.

The fact that a pandemic is number one on the u.k. government’s register of risks, yet they allowed their stockpile of protective equipment - put in place to deal with the inevitable pandemic - to dwindle away and much of what was left go out of date, and then didn’t disclose this, instead blaming the lack of supplies on logistical problems, then go on to stick new best before stickers over the expired ones while refusing to publish any evidence that they have been tested or reports relating the testing, is a scandal in itself. A lot of people have died because of it.

I've been put in place to fix many problems during my career and it's what I'm good at and enjoy the most about my job.
I usually identify what went wrong straight away and who is to blame beit my company or the company we are working for.
Highlighting that information until the time is right and the problem has been fixed is never proactive so it's always better to leave that to the end so as to not interfere with gaining resolve.
Once the issue is resolved a route cause analysis can be done so that lessons can be learnt.

The thing with the UK is that the people in charge will continue to strive to do the right thing and put things right when they've screwed up.

While some mistakes are undeniable and obviously shouldn't happen it's not always right to condemn before the chance is given to redeem and while that might look like the people that have made the mistakes are being defended that's not always the case.

That’s not really a good approach during a national emergency when tens of thousands of people are dying.
I remember that. :)

And no ............... you couldn't. This has become the punchline to our evening entertainment. I read some report of abysmal failure ....... and at the end we get to the Government's response ...... "We have taken the right steps at the right time to combat it, guided at all times by the best scientific advice, to protect the NHS and save lives" ........ it's become more ridiculous-sounding every day. :D
I do hope that you slapped yourself miss for saying that...
He was seen out clapping this evening......

Criticism has already led to changes in how they have gone about things.
This is the trouble with politics though isn't it.
They serve a term and try running the country while trying to put right what was wrong with their predecessors.
By the end of their term it looks like they haven't done very well so folk vote them out and the cycle repeats.
We would do much better by leaving a government in place whatever side that maybe long enough to fix some issues and spend enough time to actually get good at what they're doing.
Its no different from any job really you're not going ro be great at it unless you've been doing it long enough.

Now this is turning political I'm out!
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