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Who's With Me, ( My Journal of my Vaping )

I must have been lacking in Nicotine, as about 20 minutes after my last post, I lit up again.

However, I will try & Quit tonight, as I have a hospital appointment tomorrow afternoon.

My Bluetooth card in my other computer has died, so I will get a new card and have it soldered.
I must have been lacking in Nicotine, as about 20 minutes after my last post, I lit up again.

However, I will try & Quit tonight, as I have a hospital appointment tomorrow afternoon.

My Bluetooth card in my other computer has died, so I will get a new card and have it soldered.
Ffs @P2PLeon ,how long did you last this time?
Instead off stopping starting stopping starting constantly, do both but increase the time untill your next cig.

Set a stopwatch going and if the time till next cig isnt up have a vape instead.
Lets say if your having a cig every hour set your time for 1 hour untill you allow yourself another, when you get used to that time or going over that time increase it to 1 and half hour, then 2 hours etc. You will be slowly vaping more and smoking less rather then keep stopping and starting.

As you can already go some hours without a cig id start at 4 hours minimum between cigs vaping in between. If you keep going longer than 4 increase to 5 hours then 6 between cigs
I was almost chain smoking roll ups, so stuck a stopwatch om my baccy tin with a magnet and started it going when had a smoke, if the time id set myself wasn't reached when I wanted next id carry on vaping instead, after 2 weeks i was going for vape first thing instead of smokes
My Bluetooth card in my other computer has died, so I will get a new card and have it soldered.
Does your computer technician soldering person have a preference for PG residue motherboard encrustation or nicotine stains and fag ash in the intake fans?
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