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Why did you quit?

I never intended to quit when I bought my starter kit. It was just meant to be used when I was somewhere I wasn't allowed to smoke.

Never lit another fag after my first vape.
Smoked on average 20 a day for 30 years, wife slightly less. She stopped when she was having the kids but went back to em. Tried NRT a few times but both of us suffered with side effects ie mouth ulcers from lozenges/gum, rashes and pains from patches. Tried cigalikes a few times and didn't do too bad but always went back to fags after spending so much on batteries/carts.

Decided a while ago to try againbut without using cigalikes, did some browsing and both bought a jacvapour VGO2. It did the job, worked really well. Now nearly 2 months down the line, we both have upgraded....Innokin SVD's, really getting into mixing my own liquds. This site has really hlped invaluable advice, tips and How to's.In addition the support from fellow vapers is fantastic.

I have found now that vaping is more of a hobby, I like the diy mixing and will be soon diving into the world of coils/atomizers and rebuilding. I suppose the cost of smoking is a good reason as any, I find that still spend on vaping but the cost is not nearly as much....BUT the cost of a healthy body makes up for that and to be honest I would rather spend money on vaping than on fags.
I'd smoked for nearly forty years, with only one serious (and seriously harrowing) interruption for about six months, twenty years ago. After that, I was pretty much resigned to the idea that I would smoke for the rest of my life. Over the last couple of years, I'd got gradually more curious about e-cigs, and then in mid-January this year, a friend gave me a taste of his disposable cig-alike, and I thought, yeah, I can work with this. On the last day of January, I bought a rechargeable cig-alike kit, and said to myself, okay, until further notice, this is where your nicotine is at, so get used to it. Even at that point, I did not consider Giving Up Smoking to be feasible for me - but on day three, I had a taste of tobacco smoke again, for the first and only time since, and I knew I would never smoke again.

For the first six months, I muddled along with a single cig-alike and pre-filled cartos, and slowly became aware that this vaping thing had a sub-culture attached. I joined UKV and attended my first meet on the same day in July, and it was then, rather than the day I stopped smoking, that really changed things. Somehow I thought most people would be rocking the cig-alikes, but of course I turned out to be the only one. I learned a lot that day.
Got a cig 'o' like for Stoptober, after giving in to my ex-smoking mate. I've now rocking a Telsa V2 with a pro-tank II with snake oil in it.

I started smoking in 1987 and regreted it very quickly. Having a addictive personality, that was it for me. I've tried and tried again to quite. First time when I was 20 then when I was 25 and again when I was 30 then again when I was 35...............

I think it's safe to say I'm addicted to vaping. :D

Why I gave up is. I hated being a smoker but I'm addicted to nicotine, I now have a safer nicotine delivery system that I love.
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