I'd smoked for nearly forty years, with only one serious (and seriously harrowing) interruption for about six months, twenty years ago. After that, I was pretty much resigned to the idea that I would smoke for the rest of my life. Over the last couple of years, I'd got gradually more curious about e-cigs, and then in mid-January this year, a friend gave me a taste of his disposable cig-alike, and I thought, yeah, I can work with this. On the last day of January, I bought a rechargeable cig-alike kit, and said to myself, okay, until further notice, this is where your nicotine is at, so get used to it. Even at that point, I did not consider Giving Up Smoking to be feasible for me - but on day three, I had a taste of tobacco smoke again, for the first and only time since, and I knew I would never smoke again.
For the first six months, I muddled along with a single cig-alike and pre-filled cartos, and slowly became aware that this vaping thing had a sub-culture attached. I joined UKV and attended my first meet on the same day in July, and it was then, rather than the day I stopped smoking, that really changed things. Somehow I thought most people would be rocking the cig-alikes, but of course I turned out to be the only one. I learned a lot that day.