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Why go with 22mm when u can have 24mm

Tray Virus

Jan 23, 2017
Hi my fellow vape geeks I’m thinking about trying out the dead rabbit and the pulse rda but will I lose flavour by getting the 24mm rda?
I already use Narda, O Atty and Hadley which are all 22mm
24mm will allow me to use a bigger coil or bit more room for experimentation regarding coils.
My device is DNA 75c so 24mm rda will still look cool.
A good few of you guys have the pulse squonker, what size rda are you using on that device and why.
With 24mm RDAs you have to use big coils or the vapour won't fill the chamber and the vape will lose flavour, though this being vaping, there will be many who use small coils and like the vape.

I have dual Caterpillars in my Pulse, vaping at 80 watts.
It's more about device size than flavour or coil space, you'll get very little extra space on the build deck - You'd struggle to get more than 1 extra wrap even with 0.5mm single strand. Usually people buy a 24mm or 22mm because thats what loks best on their mod...
I have the lp goon clone 24mm and that looks just as grand on my device as the 22mm rda.
I’m going to order 24mm see how I get on with it as the flavour should still be nice with the right build.
So haveing 22 and 24 is for aesthetics on bigger squonkers that’s capable on having bigger rda on them is good to know
I use mainly 22mm RDAs on my squonk mods for because the majority of decent quality dedicated BF atties only come in 22mm format for the most part. I've also found that in RDA's that give a choice like the Goon the 22mm always seems to give a denser vape with a bit more flavour.

Also comes down to the mod, if its dual battery mod I would likely run a bigger 24mm RDA to take advantage of the extra power, dual coils etc

However on a single cell mod I would never be running it above 50w in order to keep within battery limits and get a decent run time, in which case a huge 24mm atty is overkill especially for single coil use.

I'm really not a fan of the Dead Rabbit on a single cell mech, its the sort of atty that needs some serious power to get decent flavour from it due to its large barrel and huge air intake, yes you can choke it down but its not great like that, way too airy especially if you like O-atty, Narda etc If it were me I'd go with the Pulse 22 on a DNA 75W its got plenty of air for that wattage but not so much its gonna make thin wispy clouds.
.24 ohm, 4mm wrap, ×3 core 26g Ni80 Flapton wire by Geekvape. I've found traveling below 4mm wraps the flavor does suffer. I enjoy this setup alot.
I have a Geekvape Athena 24mm RDA on top of the single cell Athena squonker. The build is dual alien claptons coming in at 0.21ohms. There is a small delay on firing for the claptons to wake up but within 1 second, they fire up just fine and produce a very nice flavoursome vapour output. A little more power would make this perfect but TBH, I really don't mind the small delay.
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