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Why's my post being moderated?



OccultScientist has installed a plugin for the forum which helps combat spam, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see how many spam registrations that have been blocked. You will also see a spam post count.

The new plugin may affect some of your posts by putting them into a moderation queue. The only subforum that is automatically moderated is the vendor/seller review section. So if you post anywhere else in the forum and get a notice that your post is being moderated, please PM @Mark , @ZT , @Purplefowler , myself or @OccultScientist so that we can get it approved.
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I changed the title on this :) Make sure you're all aware of this. With time, the ability to filter out member posts from spam posts will get better.
Just bumping this up as this is important. If you receive a message that your post is being moderated, please do not try to submit the message a gajillion times. Either PM a mod to get it approved and wait, or just wait and one of us will login to the mod panel eventually and get it approved. Posting it several times doesn't make it happen any faster, in fact, it makes our anti-spam filters mark you as a spammer. Thanks! :D
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