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Wismec Luxotic BF kit


Dec 1, 2016
Chaps, Chappetes,

I want to try out squonking and have been looking at the luxotic. Ive seen it on FT for around 36 and was wondering if anyone had founf it any cheaper anywhere else? Prefrebly the black honeycomb version.

Thanks fella. Lets see if anyone else knows of a cheaper price or il go with this probably
That particular one is still a bit thin on the ground because it's the latest colour scheme. When I was looking, a lot of UK vendors were selling the kits for £50+ so this is a pretty good deal. Even Gearbest are selling it for £43 for that particular one. You may or may not find it cheaper (doubtful) in the UK, but I suppose it depends how quickly you want it.

Tobhino's good little atty too :)
Thanks buddy, though i am looking for the kit. I hear the tobinho is a decent rda so want to try it
I doubt you will find one cheaper than vaping101, but if you want the full kit then ecigone is also a good deal...
Thank you both, will defo look into them further. Im happy to wait, im currently on holiday so can order from ft or gearbest. Ft have it for around 36 ive noticed. But im wondering wetger il place the order and theyll cancel it. Seems a lot cheaper for the black version compared to everyone else.

Next few questions for those more knowledgable then me. Whats the battery life like on these? I know its entirely dependant on build. On my regulated mods i use tanks at aroung 50 to 60w mainly. Can I make a single battery squonk last a day, with 2 batteries?
I always carry a spare battery at work. On a good day it'll last me one 8hr shift, just less than a bottle. Bad day, 2 bottles + = 2 batteries. My builds are around 0.2 single coil, or 50-70w (ish).
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