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Your views on a discount Vape Club

Would you spend £24 per year to save 40% on your vape liquids for a year?

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I prefer to buy direct from the manufacturers, that way some fly by night juice vendor isn't scraping a wodge of the manufactures profits.
@GREGORY LONG Thanks for clarifying. I think I'm just expecting 10ml bottles to be more expensive automatically so manufacturers can recoup some of the money they've had to put up to get through tpd. If 3 bottles were roughly the same price as a 30ml bottle is now, the club idea is something I'd consider. I think there are a lot of people the idea will appeal to: maybe not as many as you hope on here as many who are real vaping enthusiasts seem to be going - or already have - down the diy route.
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Not for me - I DIY some, I don't much like most regular brands and I'm phobic of commitment. I can see it would be great for some people though, and wish you well. :)
I would but I don't see how a 40% saving could be achieved with all those brands considering all the costs involved would never be covered by a £24 membership fee
If it works, I'm in.
I'll offer you your full £24 for 40%. Oh man I really should stop watching dragons den!
I would but I don't see how a 40% saving could be achieved with all those brands considering all the costs involved would never be covered by a £24 membership fee
Well lets just say that you dont realise how much the profit mark up is and 40% discount is totally viable.
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