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Zero Nicotine - Any Good?


Mar 28, 2013
The cartomisers I have are 12mg, and they give me a really good throat hit and kick from the flavours. I recently purchased some e-liquid at 11mg and I really like that too - but I am severely tempted to get myself some zero nicotine because I tend to sit puffing all day long when ever I work from home, at weekends or when watching movies on tv, but then I get feeling a bit sick from too much nicotine (I think that's why anyway!) - anyone recommend a zero nic juice? Not a flavour or anything, just recommend zero in general??
The reason you are sat puffing all day :) Probably isn't because you are getting too much nicotine, it's because you aren't getting enough. Your body is telling you to keep puffing away because you arent satisfying its previous levels of nicotine :D

Most users start off in the 18mg-36mg nicotine range (I started with 24 and am down now to about 9-12mg but it took me a year to get here)

My advice, grab a bottle of 18mg or 24mg and try that
Really???? Wow! I thought I was addicted to the amazing flavours I was puffing on! and getting sick from too much nic!

At work I don't even think about it though, a couple of puffs and i'm fine! I go for my usual 'cig break' just to keep my camaraderie in place, as some friends still smoke stinky filthy things, but I just put my over vaping down to puffing yummy chocolate and coffee and almond mmmmmmm - so, I guess you don't recommend zero then??

Thing is, I don't want to just have a couple of puffs and put it down for an hour I LOVE PUFFING AWAY FOR HOURS NON STOP BECAUSE MY CHOCOLATE VAPE STOPS ME EATING IT!!! :)
Go up to 18 then? At 18 I could have a good vape session that lasted about as long as smoking a cig did, without getting light headed. Now that I am into the lower nic ranges, I find I vape WAY more than I did before, but I am conscious of my decrease in nicotine so I try not to over compensate.
Thank you - I guess it's just trial and error!!

I've been vaping quite a while and to be fair I'm with you on this one. Everyone is different but to me it's nothing about the Nic levels, in fact I actually don't like anything over about 12mg as I don't really like the 'peppery' taste of nic. I vape because I love the flavours and when I first started I used high nic levels to get me off the fags but now my vaping experience is different. I was one of those whose wife wouldn't let me smoke in the house (yes, I know I'm a sap) but now I sit in front of the telly and chug myself to death. So I guess what I'm saying is that everyone is different, vape for whatever reason you like and just enjoy it - high nic, low nic or no nic it's still better than the nasties.
I started at 14mg/18mg and also wanted to 'keep vaping' because I loved the flavours! I've come down to about 10mg so I can vape for longer & not get too much nicotine!

Perhaps buying an 18mg and zero in the same flavour would be worth a try? You could then always mix together to try 9mg:diy:
Good on ya for wanting to get rid of your dependence on nicotine.. Myself I am a confessed nicotine BIG time addict and to be honest with myself I will never quit nicotine, now I have found a way to get it without all those 2000 other toxins I've decided that vaping is the biggest compromise I will make. I do have to say just passing my first year 1yr 2days with no stinkies, I used to have regular asthma problems but since starting vaping I have had not one attack. I spoke to my GP and he indicated (although this is not medically proven yet) that the steam from vaping helps to calm any agitation on the lung but also nicotine alone can help with allergic reactions which is the main catalyst of asthma attacks. As I said at the beginning I admire anyone who attempts to quit nicotine it takes a lot of will power and determination, I rooting for ya, but at the same time don't be afraid to slip up once or twice along the way.

All my best

I personally only vape 6mg now, started at 24mg and have worked my way down over a year. While mixing my own juices I tend to mix up a batch to get flavor levels right, and then make a second larger batch with no nic that I vape away on for a few days to make sure I enjoy the flavour long term. I do get the odd niggle for nic but nothing huge, but what I -do- notice, is that the lower the nic, the stronger the juices taste!

So if you are looking to simply sit around enjoying flavour and not be bothered about getting a nic fix, then no nic juices would be perfect for that.
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