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Zeus tank z0.25 Dual Coil - only 350 puffs

Well there is a big improvement after scrapping the small cotton holes and poking a syringe through each one. This coil was already dead after 97 puffs as well. Let's hope a new coil with the same method will last longer. Fingers crossed guys!!! ✌️
I run 80/20 VG/PG (which I make myself) through my Zeus with the bubble glass and 0.2 ohm mesh coils. Not had any issues with it. So I don't think it's your ejuice as mine is thicker than your 70/30. I vape that tank/coil at about 40 watts (my preference). Coils last me weeks, but I can be a bit lapse in my coil changing habits :)

Hope you get it sorted!
Well there is a big improvement after scrapping the small cotton holes and poking a syringe through each one. This coil was already dead after 97 puffs as well. Let's hope a new coil with the same method will last longer. Fingers crossed guys!!! ✌️
Fingers crossed!
Not all coils are exactly the same when made but you should be getting a bit more life from them. You seem to no your onion's regarding priming etc which only leave Juice as the main culprit. You will find that Sweetners or Sugars in eliquid are one of the main things that cause your coil to start dying on you. PG/VG you are right to use 70/30 juice so that's not the problem. The last thing is Dodgy Coils which can happen on things that are Mass Produced and you will find out that China are not the best for Quality Control, also you can get like anything else Fake Coils but i think they are quite rare.
Not all coils are exactly the same when made but you should be getting a bit more life from them. You seem to no your onion's regarding priming etc which only leave Juice as the main culprit. You will find that Sweetners or Sugars in eliquid are one of the main things that cause your coil to start dying on you. PG/VG you are right to use 70/30 juice so that's not the problem. The last thing is Dodgy Coils which can happen on things that are Mass Produced and you will find out that China are not the best for Quality Control, also you can get like anything else Fake Coils but i think they are quite rare.
Unfortunately the "solution" I came up with was short lived. Now I'm getting a slightly sweet but barely almost caramelized taste rather than dry hot smoke bordering on burnt.

I got some of the old juice I used to get 1000+ out of so I'll give that a bash on a new coil just now but I'm absolutely raging that I only got 450 puffs from 2 coils
The Caramalized Taste suggests it might be Sweetner or Sugar as i suggested in my previous post. Hope you sort it.
It's the juice, I have tried this brand with dripping and in rtas and it gunks coils up quicker than normal.
Probably 2 years but mine is the one that you don't use stock coils, but they are the same really. you might be better of money wise with smoking at moment but you will regret it and your health will suffer!!!.
The bubble glass will help LOADS....

LOOK at the post above...
Sounds like overly sweet liquid to me. My gf uses Geek Vape coils and gets two days out them when vaping sweet liquids.

Might not be much cheaper than smoking, if at all... but at least it's healthier.
I drink coffee with 2 sweetners, the tropical bubblegum and raspberry ripple ice cream are on par with sweetness. Nice flavours but sweet and coil life suffers.
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