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Gunk build up at top of wick?

MTB Vaper

Jan 3, 2024
I only rewicked my RDL RTA a couple days ago. Just looked and theres blacky type gunk, forming on the top of the wick were it meets the coil on both sides. I did run a few fills of Elfliq Cola in it. Are there any build reasons that can make gunk worse? It is a 7 wrap flatwire 0.52ohm very tight gaps, wick didnt seem too tight and after removing no signs of burn/singe.
When you`re vaping a gunky juice you`re better off seeing how low you can vape it and still get a good vape
Crud build up on wicks and coils happens. It tends to happen faster with sweeter juices. On the bright side with rebuildables a quick clean and rewick will sort it out if the gunk starts to affect the flavour, it's not as costly as constantly buying new stock coils so you can vape sweet stuff without the worry about short life coils.
Thanks guy's. After taking a vape if I put the RTA to my ear I could hear bubbling/sizzling, I've lowered the wattage till it stopped, hopefully that will slow the gunking.
Overrun can be worse than usual vaping use seeing as there is no air flow to cool the coil
Overrun can be worse than usual vaping use seeing as there is no air flow to cool the coil

I will play with the power curve mode as I want a fast ramp up for RTL or maybe just learn to let go of the fire button in normal wattage mode?
Press, suck, count to 3, let go, faff about with your wattage until what happens while you`re counting to 3 reaches perfection. What`s a power curve ?
Press, suck, count to 3, let go, faff about with your wattage until what happens while you`re counting to 3 reaches perfection. What`s a power curve ?

Power curve on my mod is you can set the wattage for every second for 5 seconds, then it stays at the 5 second wattage for any longer.

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