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How will the eliquid tax affect your juice purchases? (poll Included)

How will the eliquid tax affect your juice purchases?

  • I'll still purchase my liquids of choice, despite the price hikes

    Votes: 11 24.4%
  • I intend to quit vaping

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • I'm switching from DTL to MTL

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • I'm going down the DIY route

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • I'll probably end up back on the fags

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (replied in thread)

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Banana

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • I already DIY, I wont be so badly affected

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • I'm considering quitting vaping

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters


May 29, 2015
I DIY, hence nothing really changes for me but I'll doubt I'll be buying many commercial eliquids and shortfills, which I do like to do a few times a year. The unknown is how flavour concentrates might be affected, I reckon I have enough Flavorah Baccy concentrates and some others, that are so low on the mix percentage, I could blend for 3 or 4 years without needing to buy any new stock. I vape custard blends 75% of the time, I'd be severely pissed if I couldn't get the concentrates or they were subjected to the non nic £1 per 10ml proposal.
As much as I love Supergood, I don't think I'd able to afford to vape it all day every day anymore... so I'll probably either go DIY or just quit vaping entirely as to me DIY always tastes like DIY.
I’ll be vaping cake flavouring by the looks of it. Got litres upon litres, and a few more, of juice stashed.

I’m more concerned about the large number of small UK based juice companies, a number of which are more than just a juice supplier to me, are going to fare.

I will vote banana…
I`ll carry on buying commercial juices for as long as I can afford them.

I diy`ed for 10ish years without much success but since switching to ready mades, I know the flavour profiles that suit me so if needed I`ll go back to mixing.

I`ll be keeping my eyes and ears open for any enterprising entrepreneurs. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
I do a mix of diy and shortfills/longfills the latter will be few and far between and only ones I know I like, no punts taken
I loved the orig Chiricahua Sun, but that's been gone a long while. Since then SW Chiri was really the only juice that I bought regularly, but now that has gone too, I'm back to just DIYing juice.

So it looks like the tax won't really affect my consumption/wallet that much, but I'm hoping that it won't fk over the juice makers I like too much. While I don't buy from them all that regularly, I really like trying Manabush and Legio's stuff every now and again because they come up with distinctive and interesting flavours that you don't see elsewhere. It will be a great loss if companies like that go under because of this stupid preelection shit.
One thing that seems obvious from this tax going-on is that many people will reduce strength to avoid the extra tax burden of vaping above 11mg...
I'll keep buying occasionally from LegioX as a treat because I love those guys. But that will probably be it. I'll keep at the mixing and hope that I don't need to buy a wine cooler to stash a lifetime supply of 'you know what'.
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