I think that's the kit i've got. I do have a better pair fo ceramic tweezers though..as that plastic one is a tad flimsy.
I'm finding that just using the rod & handle alone works best for me, but that said..i've only made 4 coils to date! How long does a coil last typically? The Siren is still on it's first..and working like a charm. Have rewicked a few times, to get it to stop leaking..which i've now managed. I give the coil/deck a brush over with a small wire brush, then rinse, dry and rewick. It's been nearly 3 weeks now..and still going strong.
Coils last as long as YOU feel they do or you need to change them, you can clean/brush/burn them off and if they are fine then carry on. Some say a month or two - but with me I've changed them after a few weeks or a few days because.....
I've took the piss and coil was wrecked as I tried to remove old wick, due it being so thin and full of crud after forgetting to rewick sooner
I had thought about trying a different coil - bigger/smaller, a wrap more/less, - basically altering coil resistance or tighter/spaced
yeah I think most of time the coil was a bit wrecked or I thought about trying something different
I normally have wound a few coils at a time so I have another lying around to chuck in, but takes no time at all to remake another
If you got a coil you are happy with, mounted nicely, working well and can just burn/brush up OK then carry on by all means
you only need to change it when YOU feel you have to depending on how you cane it and the condition of it when you rewick it
I'd say a month or two depending on use and condition, but really I've changed it much sooner coz I felt fuck it I'll try something else
than thinking I must change it - yeah think coz I've wrecked the coil (29awg) or coz I wanted to fuck about with trying a slightly different coil
What you use, your technique/methods etc.... - what works best for you in establishing your own "Joey technique"
The Joey Trainee or Apprentice:
Joey has just left school, starts work as an apprentice & shown the very basic ropes by an old boy called George
For the next few months all seems to going well but one day Joey has a problem & George is on holiday....
So Joey asks another guy Fred for help & advice
Fred says - why the fuck are doing it like that, who taught you to do it like that ???
Joey replies that is the way George told me....
Fred snaps - don't listen to him, George doesn't know what he is talking about - THIS is the way you do it
So Joey is shown by Fred a slightly different method which works fine, then a few months later another issue arises
George or Fred are not around, so Joey goes & asks Harry for help....
Who told you to do it like that ??? - Harry asks
Joey explains he was shown by George but then Fred said this.....
Right - George is as an idiot & Fred is doing it all wrong - THIS is how you do it
Joey the apprentice is now standing, thinking to himself - WILL SOMEBODY FFS SHOW ME THE PROPER WAY TO DO IT
In the end Joey works out his own technique which is likely to be a bit of George's method, a bit of Fred's technique
a bit of Harry's way, plus a tiny sprinkling of Joey's own approach that he has learnt or developed himself that works for him
Ahhhh - seems ages ago I was the young pup Joey being shown the ropes & shouted at by old farts telling me how to do stuff
(their way) but though often there is a simple right/wrong way to do stuff as clear & obvious as a straight forward yes or no
it is OUR method or technique we use, that we change/alter slightly as we stumble our way through life etc.....
Go with what works best for YOU - whatever your name is