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1st wicking attempt, any good?

Yeah you do,just looking at your nic I notice you are deaf,I'm profoundly deaf in both ears,80%

Yeah..lots of folks on here with various health issues & disabilties. There's another RTA thread in this same section, from a visually impaired person, that i responded to..cos i've got both problems... I'm half deaf, half blind! lol! My hearing isn't brilliant, but i get by with hearing aids and a lot of sets of headphones & powered speaker set ups.

Is your condition genetic, like mine?
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It don't bother me a lot now,the new micro aids are pretty good but I still watch telly with subtitles, hahaha

Same here..i hate channels & Dvd boxsets that don't have subs! Cheapskate and inconsiderate imo! My sister is also hearing impaiered and vain....she has these tiny over ear aids...you can't hardly see them.

Me..i have no such vanity..i've got the full on digital jobbies...and they're perfectly fine! Only downside of these digital ones....i cannot use a phone with them on..mine doesn't to have a T setting..bladdy annoying!
Yeah,I noticed the same thing,about eyesight, mine are not that good but I use 5x reading glasses, it helps better than a rig set up with a glass, tanks can be really fiddley so to have the glasses work's perfectly well
Who cares ,everyone has something stuck in their ear nowadays, my mates deaf as a poker but won't get aids
Yeah,I noticed the same thing,about eyesight, mine are not that good but I use 5x reading glasses, it helps better than a rig set up with a glass, tanks can be really fiddley so to have the glasses work's perfectly well

I've got Usher Syndrome, so the visual side of things is effected by Retinitis Pigmentosa. Fortunately, i have the peripheral loss not central vision loss, so can manage to do most things within the comfort of my home. I'm buggered if i go to a busy town though! Can't see sod all coming at me from the side, above or given that i'm very tall.....below! I've tripped over just about everything one could trip over, street furniture, logs, steps, dogs...small children even..it's a right pain in the proverbial! I was fine during my childhood, just the hearing loss to deal with, but from my teens onwards the sight began to gradually worsen, although i had little trouble with it during my 20s & early 30s. But by the late 30's i was struggling to function at work, drive and just getting out and about..was becoming problematic. I stopped working in 2012...and i've given up my driving licence. It's an irksome condition, but there are far worse things in life a person can have...i try to 'see' the positives of what i do have currently.

Btw...just 'reconfigured' the wicking on my Siren tank..and tried Obi's upside down trick...it worked! It's not leaking anymore...:woohoo:

Nice fix @ObiWanVaponi Top 'nana! :yourock::)2
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This turned out to be a top thread,ive learned a lot,thanks everyone, keep the tips coming for me and vaper
I've got Usher Syndrome, so the visual side of things is effected by Retinitis Pigmentosa. Fortunately, i have the peripheral loss not central vision loss, so can manage to do most things within the comfort of my home. I'm buggered if i go to a busy town though! Can't see sod all coming at me from the side, above or given that very tall.....below! I've trupped over just about everything one could think of, street furniture, logs, steps, dogs...small children even..it's a right pain in the proverbial! I was fine during my childhood, just the hearing loss to deal with, but from my teens onwards the sight began to gradually worsen, although i had little trouble with it during my 20s & early 30s. But by the late 30's i was struggling to function at work, drive and just getting out and about..was becoming problematic. I stopped working in 2012...and i've given up my driving licence. It's an irksome condition, but there are far worse things in life a person can have...i try to 'see' the positives of hat i have currently.

Btw...just 'reconfigured' the wicking on my Siren tank..an tried Obi's upside down trick...it worked! It's not leaking anymore...:woohoo:

Nice fix @ObiWanVaponi Top 'nana! :yourock::)2
Great tank the siren 2. It can be fussy sometimes so.don't get discouraged if further rewicks don't go as well. Just fiddle until you've got it. I ended up using slightly smaller coils than the one's supplied but it's super easy to live with.
Now I'm getting older I use a desk based illuminated magnifying glass. Always handy for coils.
Glad its worked.
Forgot to mention - shut the airholes when you turn it over, but you've probably sussed that. :yoda:

Erm....nope..didn't check to do that, but it was already set to the smallest hole. There is just wee bit of seeping every now and then, probably due residual juice still in the air chamber/base. But i'll completely redo the whole thing again next time it needs refilling. I think the coil may just be a tiny bit too close the wicking vent, so that might also be causing the small seepage. But it's definately better than it was!
This turned out to be a top thread,ive learned a lot,thanks everyone, keep the tips coming for me and vaper

It's funny how some threads play out isn't it....some of mine just get a few responses, but does the job....this one clearly has brought out all the RTA fans out there! lol!

Super job folks..great advice..and quite a few fans of the Siren tank it appears. I had that sitting in a box practically forgotten for almost a year! I wish i got it out earlier now! :)2
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