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1st wicking attempt, any good?

Vacuum? Okay..that's a another new term for me to get to grips with! My cooton is touching the deck atm...i think somebody mentioned that cotton has to be off the deck..is this correct?

I take it, if i tried to vape 50/50 in a RTA, it'll be more prone to leaking then?

Did you change or move the coil ???
but the height of coil should be no lower than 2mm - not that you accurately measure the fucker
& ensure wicking isn't touching underneath at elbow/bend
or juice will seep onto the block

the viscosity - thicker/higher VG does not seep/trickle like thinner/runnier PG
but still many use 50/50 if everything is done right
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@Deaf Vaper I think I have a Siren 2 knocking about somewhere. If I can find it I will put a build in it tomorrow and see if I can remember how to get it working.
I thought mtl tanks like more pg

Ye olde mtl PEN or STICK vape kits like CE4 or Blu Pro atomisers had thin spaces to wick so liked runny high PG juice

but later/recent decent stock coil tanks can easily use 50/50 or some up to 70 VG
RTA's - are same with say a 50/50 as min - I use 60% VG myself
I'll just mention about a sticky toffee I just got,it's 80vg and so thick it won't vape ,the flavour is intense it can take thinning out with 50/50stuff,I'll post you a bottle ,that will plug the leaks:):):)
If too long can cause leaks,too short can cause leaks,my serpent mini is a nasty piece of work for leaking, I just get the cotton about right and any probs just do as above but with the mini I dry a bit of juice from the wick with tissues, then I make sure the cotton is in the juice well but just enough

I'll try nipping a bit off the ends on mine, as they slightly 'slumped' down to the deck.

Re 505/50, i keep those for stock tanks then. I wonder if 100 VG would work better in an RTA? The flavour will probably be rubbish though!
100vg won't vape, it might do in an rda but it's just sweetness, like drinking sugar
Did you change or move the coil ???
but the height of coil should be no lower than 2mm - not that you accurately measure the fucker
& ensure wicking isn't touching underneath at elbow/bend
or juice will seep onto the block

the viscosity - thicker/higher VG does not seep/trickle like thinner/runnier PG
but still many use 50/50 if everything is done right

The sirens deck...doesn't really allow one to accurately guage the distance of the coil from the wicking holes....i just put it in and hoped for the best! Worked fine the first time though. As soon as the tank is empty, i'll take it apart again, and have a closer look. I think the wick needs a litle more trimming, but i'll check if it's touching the block./wicking holes. I've not disturbed the coil since i fitted it in yesterday.
I thought mtl tanks like more pg

In stock Mtl tanks generally speaking, yes 50/50 to 70/30 is ideal with premade coils, but i had some 80/20 juice i wanted to try out..so decided to try out in the Siren 2 RTA..vapes well very.
Well it's not just you @ObiWanVaponi ..mines leaking! 'twas fine the first time i filled it after wicking, no leaks at all. But after refilling it...it practically poured out of the darn air holes! I gather, i may not have enough, or have too much wicking..not sure. I was trialing 80VG/20 juice just to see if the tank could atomise it effectively..it can. I really do like this tank...it's got a lovely draw to it..not too airy.

But clearly..i need to do little more practicing at wicking it properly! So that's both of us with with the wicking curse! lol!
Have you tried the "turn it over to tighten trick"? fill it up and when you are ready to put the cap on, just put it on without twisting, then turn it upside down and twist the cap to lock. Because the juice flows to the other end it stops the vacuum that can happen. works for me. Don't forget to shut the airholes.

As already said try and move the cotton off the sides of the block - so they are kind of hovering in mid air then straight down the channels. And cut the tails just a tiny bit short so that they go down into bottom part but don't actually touch the base. I've found these two things help the Innokin Ares as well.
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