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1st wicking attempt, any good?

Looking good @Deaf Vaper certainly better than my first attempt.
Just in case you need any more pointers on the siren2 here's a vid I found when I was getting to grips with it. Looks like you don't need it though. I have the superpower of being able to make any tank leak. Its a blessing and a curse. mostly a curse.


Well it's not just you @ObiWanVaponi ..mines leaking! 'twas fine the first time i filled it after wicking, no leaks at all. But after refilling it...it practically poured out of the darn air holes! I gather, i may not have enough, or have too much wicking..not sure. I was trialing 80VG/20 juice just to see if the tank could atomise it effectively..it can. I really do like this tank...it's got a lovely draw to it..not too airy.

But clearly..i need to do little more practicing at wicking it properly! So that's both of us with with the wicking curse! lol!
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The Siren 2 is a great tank to start with, i enjoy mine enough i bought a second and it handles high VG great(well enough for my uses) for me. Over-wicking can happen easily though(better too much over not enough though) and it'll start off nice but choke up over time as the wick expands and the thicker juice builds up inside the piddly wicking holes. Way more economical on juice than other tanks i have, if you're burning through juice quicker, it's probably just because you're enjoying the vape(and sucking on it lots)... ;) I keep my favorite juices in the Siren and use up others in the alternates.

Oddly, i thought the Siren 2 is quite thirsty compared my other stock MTL tanks, a 2ml tank emptied pretty quickly i thought. Mind you...as you said..i was rather enjoying that tank quite a bit! As i've mentioned in my above post..i have got a leaking problem with it now..so maybe the 80VG juice is too thick for it perhaps.
Well it's not just you @ObiWanVaponi ..mines leaking! 'twas fine the first time i filled it after wicking, no leaks at all. But after refilling it...it practically poured out of the darn air holes! I gather, i may not have enough, or have too much wicking..not sure. I was trialling 80VG/20 juice just to see it the tank could vape it effectively..it can..and really do like this tank...it's got a lovely draw to it..not too airy.

But clearly..i need to do little more prcatice at wicking it properly! So that's both of with with the wicking curse! lol!
I've been messing about with my reload, leaks like a sieve.
Eventually I opened the tank upside down,carefully put the tank upside down not to spill any juice,I then manipulated the cotton with a fine screwdriver and eventually got a leak free tank plus you can tweak coils that way.
And 80vg should help a tank not to leak unless you getting vacuum ,it then pisses out,as I say try a fine screwdriver and you can lift cotton to trim ect, work's great
I've been messing about with my reload, leaks like a sieve.
Eventually I opened the tank upside down,carefully put the tank upside down not to spill any juice,I then manipulated the cotton with a fine screwdriver and eventually got a leak free tank plus you can tweak coils that way.

In what way does 'manipulating' the wick have on preventing leaks? I still don't quite understand what stops the juice from going down the wicking holes and out the air vents all the time, when it's working properly. Clearly the cotton plays a big part...maybe i'll try 'fluff' mine up a bit..see what does.
And 80vg should help a tank not to leak unless you getting vacuum ,it then pisses out,as I say try a fine screwdriver and you can lift cotton to trim ect, work's great

Vacuum? Okay..that's a another new term for me to get to grips with! My cooton is touching the deck atm...i think somebody mentioned that cotton has to be off the deck..is this correct?

I take it, if i tried to vape 50/50 in a RTA, it'll be more prone to leaking then?
If too long can cause leaks,too short can cause leaks,my serpent mini is a nasty piece of work for leaking, I just get the cotton about right and any probs just do as above but with the mini I dry a bit of juice from the wick with tissues, then I make sure the cotton is in the juice well but just enough
50/50 is thinner, I do tend to buy some 50/50s for my shortfill if I think they need thinning out,same flavour and nic mg of course, well as close as I can get
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