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3 weeks into the vape thing!


Aug 21, 2013
Well yeah, started on a cheap 600mAh ego with a CE4, that lasted a few days when I started doing a bit of research. Moved onto an ego c twist with a kanger pro tank. Now I'm vaping on a zmax V3 after watching many youtube videos of grimmgreen and Scott from e-cig-reviews. Just wanted to say hello really. Iv also got a boge F16 which iv had no luck with at all really, I had 3 cartomizers last a few vapes then straight to a horrible burnt taste. Not sure what I was doing wrong (ego was set at the lowest volts etc)

just a hello then. I'm sure this forum will give me enough knowledge to start building my own coils etc and maybe some good eliquids to try.

welcome Jo3 you will get plenty of guidance from the sage-like members of this very very special place you can now call home :D
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