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4nine and (some) Drippers


Jul 26, 2012
Hi folks, Just think that this may be worth a mention.
A couple of my drippers (a TOBH, and a Magma) will constantly fire when fitted to my 4nine. Obviously this is due to extra length on the drippers 510 connection.
No big deal, and, imo, not a big safety issue as the problem, when it occurs, is very much self evident. Rather more that I think it's something to be aware of with the combination of drippers and direct to atty devices.
Dripper/4nine compatibility is something possibly worth researching before anybody decides to treat 'emsleves to a nice 'n neat 4nine and dripper combo. Could save a penny or two if you find a dripper that fits beforehand.
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cheersm8 have also had this problem with some tanks... is definitely worth making people aware of it as a problem.. also have the opposite problem with some tanks not firing at all but this could possibly be resolved with magnet spacers...
The 4nine and a few other mech mods that use a hybrid top cap can be a little fussy about what combination of battery and attie they are happy working with. I use a 4nine clone and a tobh clone and have no issue whatsoever with autofiring. The one combo that is extremely iffy is Kanger tanks like the Aerotank Mega with this type of set up. The Kanger tanks are designed with a flush 510 connector which in combination with a direct to battery connection like the 4nine can give a dead short.

Oh and I just tried my magma clone which definitely has a long 510 and that is fine too. Just takes a bit of fiddling with the magnets to get the throw right. I am using VTC4 and VTC5 flat top batteries in mine.
Never had an issue with my 4nine.

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