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5 Pawns delisted by Cloud 9 after tests show record levels of Diacetyl

Damn! Does this mean the end of my supercilious smirking when someone mentions how much they love their "5 Prawns"?!! :banghead:
Damn! Does this mean the end of my supercilious smirking when someone mentions how much they love their "5 Prawns"?!! :banghead:

No, you get to smirk even wider as you inform then of the high levels of AP contained therein. ;)
another quote from cloud9

2500 micrograms in one ml.
The published occupational limit for AP, which I believe is for a normal "work day" is 135 micrograms, and even this limit is under some scrutiny with some believing it's actually too high.
So, in 1ml of that particular liquid, the vaper is exposed to over 18 times the current occupational limit.
At 3ml per day, the exposure is 7500, which is more than 50 times the occupational limits.
Bear in mind also that some vapers inhale to the deep lungs, rather than a worker might inhale lightly through the nose when subjected to these compounds in a factory/working environment. So there could be different levels of risk depending on whether or not a vaper mouth inhales, or lung inhales. I believe Dr Farsalinos is doing some investigation in this area, but may need more funding to proceed.

personally me never tried them, wanted too, but dont now.
Very disappointing. Either Five Pawns lab is shit, or the tests they had done are shit, or they are full of shit and profiteering.

Big props to C9 for testing and then pulling the entire range.
Interesting to see they are trying to play the legal cease and desist bollocks. Considering the company in question is based in the UK, good fucking luck with that you Californian idiots. To much surf and weed.
I don't think we will ever get to the bottom of this until we have an agreed industry standard for the methodology of testing supported by labs that we can trust and repeatable results can be achieved across all

You pays your money and you take your chances as far as I can see. #justsaying
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