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5 Pawns delisted by Cloud 9 after tests show record levels of Diacetyl

I don't think we will ever get to the bottom of this until we have an agreed industry standard for the methodology of testing supported by labs that we can trust and repeatable results can be achieved across all

And this really does seem to be at the bottom of the issue. One lab comes out with one set of results, another lab comes out with something completely different. Who the hell do you trust.
Interesting to see they are trying to play the legal cease and desist bollocks. Considering the company in question is based in the UK, good fucking luck with that you Californian idiots. To much surf and weed.

Looks like FP they have sent the lawyers in, the info has been pulled from Cloud9 site (probably why FP took so long to make a public statement) ... Liquid test results - Blog - Cloud 9 Vaping

'The information relating to specific products we have withdrawn from sale as part of our testing/due diligence processes has been removed pending legal advice.'
so i wonder who's telling porkies.

if found legit then mods can delete this thread.

Not a hope.

If there's one thing this thread stands for then it's the current state of fucking ridiculous levels of stupidity going on in vaping at the present. And, at some point in time, the penny needs to drop that groups of people need to wise the fuck up.

1. Juice manufacturers.
There is a demand for knowledge in the customer base. It needs to be managed. This isn't something that can be done in isolation from other companies - it is imperative that you all work together. Oh, and for 5Porn in particular, in vitro studies count for fuck...making claims that this is in your future plans makes you look a bunch of fucking morans. Don't be a moran.

2. Juice vendors.
You might feel from time to time you live in an isolated bubble, living from day to day putting things in envelopes and replying to emails from arseholes - but you don't. You might feel that doing tests on your own, hiding results from everyone and then publishing them to the public makes you look good. It doesn't. How any company thinks they can do this, slating another company's products, damaging their reputation and not bothering to work in partnership and get away with it is beyond me. Not being a partner with your customers and suppliers makes you look like a fucking moran. Don't be a moran.

3. Idiot vapers.
Some of us are demanding danger-free liquids. Some of us are demanding overnight results from research that (IF DONE CORRECTLY) costs a lot of money. This isn't going to happen. Stop making unrealistic demands because it makes you look like a fucking moran. Don't be a moran.

4. Testing companies.
You are doing this new market bad advice in your quest to grab a slice of new business. You are not being honest, you are providing shoddy, quick and cheap solutions to a matter that demands the opposite. Out of everyone involved in this permafuckup I say that it's you, the experts, who are acting like cunts. Moneygrabbing cunts. Grabbing what you can regardless of the superficiality of the service you are providing makes you look like a bunch of fucking morans. Don't be a moran.

Vaping isn't safe, it's safer.
Testing is worth shit if it isn't standardised.
Current results are worth shit.
Shitting on your suppliers is fucking stupid.

I probably have other thoughts on the matter that are equally irrelevant so I'll finish with a summary of my main points:
Shitballs fuckwank cockgargling fucking aaaarghhhhhhhh...
Not a hope.

If there's one thing this thread stands for then it's the current state of fucking ridiculous levels of stupidity going on in vaping at the present. And, at some point in time, the penny needs to drop that groups of people need to wise the fuck up.

1. Juice manufacturers.
There is a demand for knowledge in the customer base. It needs to be managed. This isn't something that can be done in isolation from other companies - it is imperative that you all work together. Oh, and for 5Porn in particular, in vitro studies count for fuck...making claims that this is in your future plans makes you look a bunch of fucking morans. Don't be a moran.

2. Juice vendors.
You might feel from time to time you live in an isolated bubble, living from day to day putting things in envelopes and replying to emails from arseholes - but you don't. You might feel that doing tests on your own, hiding results from everyone and then publishing them to the public makes you look good. It doesn't. How any company thinks they can do this, slating another company's products, damaging their reputation and not bothering to work in partnership and get away with it is beyond me. Not being a partner with your customers and suppliers makes you look like a fucking moran. Don't be a moran.

3. Idiot vapers.
Some of us are demanding danger-free liquids. Some of us are demanding overnight results from research that (IF DONE CORRECTLY) costs a lot of money. This isn't going to happen. Stop making unrealistic demands because it makes you look like a fucking moran. Don't be a moran.

4. Testing companies.
You are doing this new market bad advice in your quest to grab a slice of new business. You are not being honest, you are providing shoddy, quick and cheap solutions to a matter that demands the opposite. Out of everyone involved in this permafuckup I say that it's you, the experts, who are acting like cunts. Moneygrabbing cunts. Grabbing what you can regardless of the superficiality of the service you are providing makes you look like a bunch of fucking morans. Don't be a moran.

Vaping isn't safe, it's safer.
Testing is worth shit if it isn't standardised.
Current results are worth shit.
Shitting on your suppliers is fucking stupid.

I probably have other thoughts on the matter that are equally irrelevant so I'll finish with a summary of my main points:
Shitballs fuckwank cockgargling fucking aaaarghhhhhhhh...

Interesting to see how differently the C9V results have been viewed as opposed to the Vapourshark ones.

I appreciate that C9V are a vendor not a manufacturer and have a great rep, but it is still a widely different attitude being displayed
I believe I was equally dismissive of their results too...because they were also worth the square root of shit.

THE ONLY testing worth anything is a standardised one across multiple random samples across an ongoing time-frame.

These single shot Facebook style "How much diacetyl have you got? Take this test and share with friends" are ridiculous. Worse as I believe they are being driven from a warped view of customer concern and very dubious business motives.
Not a hope.

If there's one thing this thread stands for then it's the current state of fucking ridiculous levels of stupidity going on in vaping at the present. And, at some point in time, the penny needs to drop that groups of people need to wise the fuck up.

1. Juice manufacturers.
There is a demand for knowledge in the customer base. It needs to be managed. This isn't something that can be done in isolation from other companies - it is imperative that you all work together. Oh, and for 5Porn in particular, in vitro studies count for fuck...making claims that this is in your future plans makes you look a bunch of fucking morans. Don't be a moran.

2. Juice vendors.
You might feel from time to time you live in an isolated bubble, living from day to day putting things in envelopes and replying to emails from arseholes - but you don't. You might feel that doing tests on your own, hiding results from everyone and then publishing them to the public makes you look good. It doesn't. How any company thinks they can do this, slating another company's products, damaging their reputation and not bothering to work in partnership and get away with it is beyond me. Not being a partner with your customers and suppliers makes you look like a fucking moran. Don't be a moran.

3. Idiot vapers.
Some of us are demanding danger-free liquids. Some of us are demanding overnight results from research that (IF DONE CORRECTLY) costs a lot of money. This isn't going to happen. Stop making unrealistic demands because it makes you look like a fucking moran. Don't be a moran.

4. Testing companies.
You are doing this new market bad advice in your quest to grab a slice of new business. You are not being honest, you are providing shoddy, quick and cheap solutions to a matter that demands the opposite. Out of everyone involved in this permafuckup I say that it's you, the experts, who are acting like cunts. Moneygrabbing cunts. Grabbing what you can regardless of the superficiality of the service you are providing makes you look like a bunch of fucking morans. Don't be a moran.

Vaping isn't safe, it's safer.
Testing is worth shit if it isn't standardised.
Current results are worth shit.
Shitting on your suppliers is fucking stupid.

I probably have other thoughts on the matter that are equally irrelevant so I'll finish with a summary of my main points:
Shitballs fuckwank cockgargling fucking aaaarghhhhhhhh...

Post of the Year.
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