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5 weeks and counting

Wow! Thanks so much for the welcomes. What a friendly bunch you are! I've already got my eye on a few of the nicer mods.. The Provari and the Chi You. A bit out of my reach though at the moment. I'm also pretty keen on mixing my own liquids, so I've been reading up on that. Fingers crossed the EU votes in our favour: I don't want to be getting into the wide world of vaping only to have the rug pulled out from under me!
Hi, I'm Iocus,

I quit a 27 year smoking habit with the help of e-cigs. Like many people I tried different ways to give up but nothing worked. It didn't help that I liked smoking. Vaping seems to have taken the place of tobacco smoking quite nicely... it's been 5 weeks since my last cigarette, :)

I'm an artist and I work in the UK games industry. Married, no children. :)


Welcome to POTV mate!
I am at the 5 weeks stage too , not missing the cig's and loving the different flavors
Hi, I'm Iocus,

I quit a 27 year smoking habit with the help of e-cigs. Like many people I tried different ways to give up but nothing worked. It didn't help that I liked smoking. Vaping seems to have taken the place of tobacco smoking quite nicely... it's been 5 weeks since my last cigarette, :)

I'm an artist and I work in the UK games industry. Married, no children. :)


welcome to the planet vaping rules
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