Another personal favorite memory of my dear mother:
Prefix, my mother was obsessed with drinking tea, Yorkshire born and bred she would never have an empty cup.
About 5 years ago I arrive at her place, I was there to make us lunch, it was a regular few times a week thing.
I walk in and say hello, see that she has a 3/4 full cup of tea sitting on the table next to her.
So I head into the kitchen to make myself a coffee, fill the kettle, get my cup out and proceed to make a coffee.
I step to the side to grab the milk out of the fridge and my mum from the other room spots there is only one cup....
Unknowing I continue About my business, when from the living room with the accuracy of a veteran sniper a purple slipper soars into the kitchen and bounces off the back of my head.
Without turning I say "I'm sorry mum would you like a cup of tea"
She replies "OK love if you're offering, oh and could you pass me my slipper I dropped it"