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A GRAN has been banned from her local club




[h=3]A GRAN has been banned from her local club for smoking FAKE fags.[/h]Retired Nora O’Pray, 56, started puffing on electronic ‘Skycigs’ after slashing her deadly 40-a-day habit.
But she has been suspended by her ex-services club in Ayr for using the vapourising smokes after bosses asked her not to.
Nora claims she should be allowed to use them as they pose no health risks — and says she wasn’t breaking any rules.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag...or-smoking-fake-cigarettes.html#ixzz2Lu88p3HU
Hmmmm..............My first thoughts were 'Thats terrible' but upon thinking about it over a morning coffee, its not, its just a case of not being educated.

Imagine you are not a vaper, you own a pub, and someone pops in, sits down, gets out a eCig and starts puffing away, vaper everywhere!! Now to me the next part of the chain is the most critical, and that is how did she respond when she was questioned about this. The reason why I say this, is because when I first started vaping, in Costas, I complained about the reaction I received, I posted a thread about it, but someone replied with 'I dont vape anywhere where I cant smoke' and to me this is very pertinent to the argument.

I have since encountered several situations where I have entered establishments where Vaping has not been seen, and I now speak to a manager and ask is it ok if I vape on there premises, with my nice shiny VAMO in my hand. Now, the one thing in common, is every response has always had some reservation in it, as well as curiosity!!

I find I have to explain, its legal, it doesnt smell, and its not smoke, its vapor, so no risk to other patrons, and allowing it can add to the selling point of the company. I have yet to be turned down, because I am not giving them the excuse of ignorance. I also respect their decision, I am not conducting myself as a vaping nazi. Now I might be unfairly labelling this woman, but I am sure if this club was in receipt of the full facts, both the existing patrons and the club would allow it, and this chain of events could of been avoided.

The problem really is how new vaping still is, and with the 'explosion' of users, a lot of people have yet to encounter Vapers, and as a user, we have to remember we are ambassadors to this lifestyle choice, and have to act accordingly.

Yes, I point people towards PoTV but never do I try to convert smokers like a rabid Jehovahs Witness, and yes I can vape in my local Wetherspoons ;)
You will tell from my sig that I Vape in pubs all the time but I don't take the mick, always ask in a new place and respect the landlords decision. I don't try and convert anybody. As a life long smoker I know nobody told me what to do. But once I get permission and sit n Vape with a beer you'd be surprised the positive interest there is and I'm happy to explain what I'm doing. If the landlord says no I walk. Simples.
Going in what Andy has just said, my local (a Sam Smiths pub) they are banned, so like all the other smokers I go outside and I always get challenged about wether I'm doing drugs or not... Where can I buy one ect (of corse I point them to the planet and would love some of them planet business cards I saw in the Vaping in pubs pictures.

End of the day she wouldn't get asked to leave simply on the fact she was Vaping but more on the fact of giving the landlord/lady lots of shit.
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You will tell from my sig that I Vape in pubs all the time but I don't take the mick, always ask in a new place and respect the landlords decision. I don't try and convert anybody. As a life long smoker I know nobody told me what to do. But once I get permission and sit n Vape with a beer you'd be surprised the positive interest there is and I'm happy to explain what I'm doing. If the landlord says no I walk. Simples.

Exactly Mark, thats the attitude that we have to take, I feel a Blog coming on!! I started with the attitude of I will do it wherever I want, without the thought of other people or the ignorance surrounding Vaping. Now everytime you ask in an establishment that has not seen vaping before, and they say yes, how you conduct yourself is paramount for the next vaper that comes through the door. Good experiences of Vapers = Happy Landlord and Pro Vaping community.

It might seem really corny or a cliche, but how we conduct ourselves, will shape the perception of vaping within our respected communities. :)

They asked her not to and she still did, she got banned for a month, it's her fault.

It is, but its a crying shame. If only she had gone about it a different way. You cant just go in somewhere and start to vape. I had not read the whole story, but I suspected there was more to this, than had been reported.
Going in what Andy has just said, my local (a Sam Smiths pub) they are banned, so like all the other smokers I go outside and I always get challenged about wether I'm doing drugs or not... Where can I buy one ect (of corse I point them to the planet and would love some of them planet business cards I saw in the Vaping in pubs pictures.

End of the day she wouldn't get asked to leave simply on the fact she was Vaping but more on the fact of giving the landlord/lady lots of shit.
If you PM OccultScientist he may have a few cards ;)
I'm not allowed to vape at work so still go outside at breaks which is fine with me,I don't vape in shops or coffee bars as I didn't smoke in them to start with,I'm too shy to ask anyway.but if u are told no then its a no.
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