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A GRAN has been banned from her local club

Oh, how I love the way that papers like the sun prey on those with brains the size of peas - Little ones like Petit Pios, not the big field fresh bad boys.

So, as highlighted..... The lady was asked not to, and continued to do so. So, if I were to drop my trousers and take a dump on a table and was asked not to; would I expect to be disappointed by being thrown out - NO. Regardless of the nature, it's the landlords pub and he lets you get f**ked with your mates in exchange for you abiding by his rules. I think that's fair.

If someone vapes, I can guarantee someone will eventually spark up a fag arguing that if Mildred can do it then so can she (or he, however Grandad's are not often considered as the little frail and insecure people that Grans' get portraid as in papers - especially those who are retired).

AndyC - I am a person who wil not Vape in a place I would not usually smoke - No doubt I will feel a little more comfortable with a group doing it, like in the meeting on the 8th, but it's going to be foggy in there and I bet some people will get upset.
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Thanks for that a bit far out for me but I'm sure there will be one in west Yorkshire soon :)
Oh, how I love the way that papers like the sun prey on those with brinas the size of peas - Little ones like Petit Pios, not the big field fresh bad boys.

So, as highlighted..... The lady was asked not to, and continued to do so. So, if I were to drop my trousers and take a dump on a table and was asked not to; would I expect to be disappointed by being thrown out - NO. Regardless of the nature, it's the landlords pub and he lets you get f**ked with your mates in exchange for you abiding by his rules. I think that's fair.

If someone vapes, I can guarantee someone will eventually spark up a fag arguing that if Mildred can do it then so can she (or he, however Grandad's are not often considered as the little frail and insecure people that Grans' get portraid as in papers - especially those who are retired).

AndyC - I am a person who wil not Vape in a place I would not usually smoke - No doubt I will feel a little more comfortable with a group doing it, like in the meeting on the 8th, but it's going to be foggy in there and I bet some people will get upset.

Lol, I do like that post, and agree with it entirely. But what I will say, is when smoking was allowed in Pubs, did you ever spark up?? It might be just me, but I like to try and push the boundaries, and am subtle about how I conduct this. I have had comments like, its a silver dildo, or its a crack pipe, etc, etc. But the one thing that it does is raise awareness and curiosity.

I am proud of my lifestyle choice, without becoming a nazi about it, and am sure for fellow vapers living in my area, the response on walking into one of these establishments will be hopefully more 'positive'.

I have yet to be given a NO, I like to think that is because I have gone about things the right way, but as soon as I do, there will be no tears or tantrums, the same as Mark says, I will just take my business elsewhere.

Yeah, I am usually the one that craps on the table, but thats down to the many pints of Guiness or Newcastle Brown consumed, not the fact that I am a vaper, but I can see how some establishments will associate the two, because vaping is uncommon. Comments like, 'I had to ban that vaper because of his actions', because that is the only way they can substantiate me from other 6ft middle aged dickheads!!

As for people not liking the plumes of vapour, even as a vaper myself, I still find myself wafting my hands in front of my face, as human nature gives the instinct that it must smell, and am still getting used to the fact it doesnt, but that again, is a selling point to Vaping. No doubt you will be right about the 8th, but it will be how we handle it thats the key. If someone moans or complains, mutters something under their breath, its only right to find out what the issues or concerns are, in a respectful and tactful manner of course.

In amongst this ramble, what I think I am trying to say, is its how we go about vaping that is the important aspect in many of these establishments, as its new to them too, and opinions have yet to be formed. :)
I agree that she has probably provoked the situation but I have to say its very refreshing to see a newspaper that has come out on the side of the vaper! Hopefully it's a new trend :)
I agree that she has probably provoked the situation but I have to say its very refreshing to see a newspaper that has come out on the side of the vaper! Hopefully it's a new trend :)
A good point I hadn't thought of :)
She probably smashed a bottle of Buckfast off a table and said "moan then, ya bunch of bastards" with the efag hanging out of her mouth :ban:
I agree with the majority of you ..... Firstly she should have asked and explained what she was doing, secondly it's up to the landlord if he will allow it and you have to respect his decision, whatever it may be. Sounds to me like she just started vaping and when the landlord asked what she was doing she probably bit his head off, hence the ban etc.
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