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A sad day for vapours. we are fooked


Apr 4, 2015
I'm at work and on phone so can't post links.
If someone could post links I'd appreciate it.

But sadly the bottom line is we are well and truly fucked and up shit creek without a paddle.

Lord Callanan drops FATAL motion and changes it to one of REGRET

All I can say is thank you to everyone that has taken the time to sign petitions, write to councillors and lords. Also well done to you our admin team and mods for pushing everyone to get involved.



courtesy of Disco Des on AAEC


a few more have signed the EDM 115 https://www.parliament.uk/edm/2016-17/115

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There are other motions being presented we hear, but this is a major blow. The saddest part being that The Shadow HEALTH Minister, feels TPD to be a GOOD Thing. I guess that the endless confusion about what exactly differentiates Smoking and Vaping is just too hard to grasp for a great many.
Yes, we are holed below the waterline, yes, we are potentially in real trouble, but we haven't sunk yet. We may be taking in water, but we have pumps and NOW could be the time to use them.
Every one tweet @heidi_mp and voice your dismay bombard her twitter account. Be respectful though, hurling insults won't help any.
Agree with everything @Rob said. However this didn't come down to personal belief about the health implications of smoking, again it's money and politics.
The Labour Party have listened to what ASH have been whispering to them about the cons of vaping compared to NRT treatment and do not want to upset the upcoming Brexit vote as they're campaigning hard for a remain vote.
So they're happy to condemn people to smoking related deaths and use them as a commodity for their own gains.
There's very little that we can do other than keep writing- but will they listen? Who knows.
As accepting as I am of other people's beliefs and backgrounds I'm sorry to say this but if you're a vaper, a prospective vaper, or know someone who would be better off vaping and you still persist on voting either to remain in Europe or for Uk Labour then you're a misguided moron.
Brexit is just over two weeks away. They dicked us- lets dick them.
Not being the brightest of bears, could someone explain in words that I will be able to understand? IF and yes, despite all The Smoke And Mirrors it is still a very BIG "IF" we were to leave the EU, what would you think to be the timescale involved BEFORE The Government of The Day whomever they might by then be, turned their attentions to TPD?
For my part, I suspect that it would be forever being pushed down the list of "things that need attending to"?

The future looks bleak, I admit, but we are Britons, we are well know for our tenacity as a race and our staunch refusal to lie down and take it. I just hope that this spirit still pervades. :51:
No restrictions on import from china, no restrictions on DIY. We will work round it.

This was never about vaping, it is just very unfortunate that this was the thing which got caught up in all of the politics about leaving the EU. They simply could not have voted any other way this week.
Not being the brightest of bears, could someone explain in words that I will be able to understand? IF and yes, despite all The Smoke And Mirrors it is still a very BIG "IF" we were to leave the EU, what would you think to be the timescale involved BEFORE The Government of The Day whomever they might by then be, turned their attentions to TPD?
For my part, I suspect that it would be forever being pushed down the list of "things that need attending to"?

The future looks bleak, I admit, but we are Britons, we are well know for our tenacity as a race and our staunch refusal to lie down and take it. I just hope that this spirit still pervades. :51:

The quoted, but estimated, timescale to fully detatch from the EU when we leave is around two years.
The pragmatic view as to when the government would turn its attention to any vaping related regulation they didn't fully agree with is that it would be vet low on the list.
This, in my opinion, is a very outdated opinion. Any party in power would be very keen to secure future support under those circumstances, so I think it would be sooner rather than later.
Can you see David Cameron turning down the long term support of 3 million voters when he doesn't have the EU to fall back on? Not likely.
No restrictions on import from china, no restrictions on DIY. We will work round it.

This was never about vaping, it is just very unfortunate that this was the thing which got caught up in all of the politics about leaving the EU. They simply could not have voted any other way this week.

Take this as you will, but that's totally defeatist and doesn't help one iota.
The 'we will take it on the chin and work round it' mentality is getting us nowhere.
Thanks @SirLugg. :)
I am withdrawing from this debate now as already it has the capacity to descend into abject stupidity. If you really do believe what you have written @learnincurve then you are not the person I believed you to be.:(
No restrictions on import from china, no restrictions on DIY. We will work round it.

This was never about vaping, it is just very unfortunate that this was the thing which got caught up in all of the politics about leaving the EU. They simply could not have voted any other way this week.
Whole point of voting is THAT WE HAVE A CHOICE
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