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A sad day for vapours. we are fooked

I would really like to know what made him change his motion, smells like utter bull shit, and a quiet word in the ear type of thing

"When your going through hell, keep going"
Take this as you will, but that's totally defeatist and doesn't help one iota.
The 'we will take it on the chin and work round it' mentality is getting us nowhere.
Sadly, the "let's petition and write to MEPs, MPs and Lords" approach hasn't got us anywhere either. You can't blame the guy for seeking some consolation. What he's really saying is no, we're not "fooked" ... having tried and failed we're actually no worse off than we were before.

This depressing news won't stop those who are active, and believe in action rather than taking it on the chin, but it will have an effect on the confidence and motivation of those who somewhat reluctantly got off their arses to grasp at this straw. Apathy amongst vapers is already bad enough, 50k signatures holds no threat. Defeat after defeat will only swell the ranks of the apathetic, that is the downside to raising hopes and expectation.

There's no point bitching at each other, we're all on the same side. Time for a brew, a vape and wait for the next great idea. :D
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As accepting as I am of other people's beliefs and backgrounds I'm sorry to say this but if you're a vaper, a prospective vaper, or know someone who would be better off vaping and you still persist on voting either to remain in Europe or for Uk Labour then you're a misguided moron.
Brexit is just over two weeks away. They dicked us- lets dick them.

Misguided moron? Really? Have you considered that there may be other issues at stake in how we vote on the EU and UK Government than those relating to vaping? Some of them might even be more important. That from someone who is currently in favour of voting out of Europe and with no current love for the Labour party.
I hate the Tories but the Labour party are total scumbag traitors, its been that way a while now, more than a few years. Sick of it all.
OK, I know I said I'd withdraw from this, but @Mr Numpty has raised this point, I will add my own thought on this.
I will be voting. One of the areas where the EU has worked and worked well, is with regard to The Disabled. It has been refreshing, though sadly rare, to see support and assistance literally flooding in from the EU on this particular agenda.

It will not change my mind, that was made up as soon as a Referendum was first whispered about, but there are certain areas where I fear we will suffer in the years between leaving and then getting ourselves back on track.

Right, we are off to Aldi. I wonder how the owners of such places would regard a possible exit? :2thumbsup::D
Misguided moron? Really? Have you considered that there may be other issues at stake in how we vote on the EU and UK Government than those relating to vaping? Some of them might even be more important. That from someone who is currently in favour of voting out of Europe and with no current love for the Labour party.
Pah! You're just trying to distance yourself from all the rest of us misguided morons!
Anyone got any links I'd like to have a read at what's going on
I hate the Tories but the Labour party are total scumbag traitors, its been that way a while now, more than a few years. Sick of it all.
Move to Scotland. The Winters will make you feel suicidal but at least we have a political party worth voting for.
It's been posted on the other forums but can't get link using phone
Can you see David Cameron turning down the long term support of 3 million voters when he doesn't have the EU to fall back on? Not likely.

Yes I can, becuase 2,950,000 of those 3 million are either uninformed, or couldn't be arsed to sign a petition and campaign, which means that out of a pool of 3 million potential voters only 1.5% of those people give a shit.

There will be 3 million vapers who are affected by these regulations, but I imagine most of those will just shrug, decide it's not worth the hassle and buy some Marlboro.

Sadly we are in the minority, and we have no evidence to believe that our Gov't cares about us enough to make this even a remote priority, even after a leave vote.

I'm strongly conflicted on the EU for many reasons, but I truly believe that conflating the referendum and vaping advocacy is a mistake.
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