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A sad day for vapours. we are fooked

The EU has given the disabled diddly shit and what we do have is slowly being taken away the tories. A lot of people get confused and think that the EU has ushered in all of these nice new equality laws, but the fact is that society/voters would have demanded that our own laws be updated, and we would have moved with the times with or without them.

If, and I hope to god we do, leave the EU then people will pretty much immediately start ignoring any EU laws, much like the Spanish do now. There will be such a clusterfuck to begin with that our legal system will be so strained with money and employment related stuff a local vaping shop selling 100ml bottles of juice and not 10 x 10ml bottles will be very far down the list of priorities, if it ever makes the list.
Proof positive then that I know nothing and should stay well out of this thread and your way then eh? @learnincurve
Yes....... I disagree with you vehemently where The Disabled are concerned. But this isn't really about that so I'll shut up.
Misguided moron? Really? Have you considered that there may be other issues at stake in how we vote on the EU and UK Government than those relating to vaping? Some of them might even be more important. That from someone who is currently in favour of voting out of Europe and with no current love for the Labour party.

That was simply an angry broadside on my part. If you took offence you read it wrong.
I'm aware of the issues that are important to me, and this one is right up there. So it does influence my decision as much as anything else. And that's that. We're all entitled to an opinion after all otherwise it's boring.
Yes I can, becuase 2,950,000 of those 3 million are either uninformed, or couldn't be arsed to sign a petition and campaign, which means that out of a pool of 3 million potential voters only 1.5% of those people give a shit.

There will be 3 million vapers who are affected by these regulations, but I imagine most of those will just shrug, decide it's not worth the hassle and buy some Marlboro.

Sadly we are in the minority, and we have no evidence to believe that our Gov't cares about us enough to make this even a remote priority, even after a leave vote.

I'm strongly conflicted on the EU for many reasons, but I truly believe that conflating the referendum and vaping advocacy is a mistake.

Agree with everything you said unfortunately
Other than the last paragraph. That's entirely poignant for me, so one issue reflects another in the whole mess.
Misguided moron? Really? Have you considered that there may be other issues at stake in how we vote on the EU and UK Government than those relating to vaping? Some of them might even be more important. That from someone who is currently in favour of voting out of Europe and with no current love for the Labour party.

The whole point about the TPD isn't how it's going to affect us personally. The TPD is a good example of the incompetence, corruption and self interest that is rife within the EU.

There is another area I am closely involved in that is an even better example of EU bureaucratic incompetence which I will be posting about separately. That's 2 areas I am involved in that have regulations that make you want to bang your head against the wall. How many more are there? Hundreds? Probably thousands.

I have no idea whether we'd be better off staying in or leaving (I don't believe anyone has), but sometimes you have to stand by your principles and we simply have to get out.
That was simply an angry broadside on my part. If you took offence you read it wrong.
I'm aware of the issues that are important to me, and this one is right up there. So it does influence my decision as much as anything else. And that's that. We're all entitled to an opinion after all otherwise it's boring.
Except anyone whose opinion on the EU matter is different to yours is a misguided moron. I didn't take offense at your post nor read it wrongly, merely responded to it.
The whole point about the TPD isn't how it's going to affect us personally. The TPD is a good example of the incompetence, corruption and self interest that is rife within the EU.

There is another area I am closely involved in that is an even better example of EU bureaucratic incompetence which I will be posting about separately. That's 2 areas I am involved in that have regulations that make you want to bang your head against the wall. How many more are there? Hundreds? Probably thousands.

I have no idea whether we'd be better off staying in or leaving (I don't believe anyone has), but sometimes you have to stand by your principles and we simply have to get out.
Good point. We're bound to be freed from corruption and bureaucratic incompetence if we leave the EU. ;)
Except anyone whose opinion on the EU matter is different to yours is a misguided moron. I didn't take offense at your post nor read it wrongly, merely responded to it.

Have a lovely day won't you [emoji6]
people are weak and follow what they are told and conform to society so we staying in the eu we staying with current laws time to start a black market for this
Good point. We're bound to be freed from corruption and bureaucratic incompetence if we leave the EU. ;)

We've been governed by liberals with insane ideas for decades. The current cycle schemes being installed in London are as crazy as anything the EU could come up with, but at least they're our insane liberals, elected by us.
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