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A sad day for vapours. we are fooked

You're right, we need massive changes ...

leaving the EU will just be the start, not the end. ... and it's not going to be easy, but the EU is a sinking ship and we need to get off it, even if the waters are dangerous. It has to be better to do it now than wait until the collapse which I'm convinced will happen, maybe not in my lifetime but certainly within my children's.

Have to agree with the sinking ship thing. Germany is probably the country that benefits most from the EU, they are in the black financially, infact to the same amount most other EU countries are in the red. Did people know that the EU is going to implement this


Who helps yhe UK out of our debt? UK citizens. So why do we while in so much debt ourselves keep giving money away.
Don't get me wrong some things are sad around the world, my question is this is it fair to burden the UK with moredebt or should we be using the money we give away to clean up our own affairs.

Scaremongering is silly. If we come out of the EU houseprices will fall. That's good more people will be able to afford a home.
If we come out we will pay more for goods yes but we will save what we give to the EU each week we willprobably find with most things that they will balance themselves out, we may have people who are now paying extra to private rent a home be able to get affordable rent from the council. Again it is people UK born who are paying this extra rent because the EU immigrants have been getting priority on housing. Both councils local to me admitted this is why we can not get a home from them
So taking a guess because I haven't read the link yet. If we leave then Greece will probably be declared bankrupt? If we stay then we'll probably have to bail Greece out?

*off to read the link*
Have to agree with the sinking ship thing. Germany is probably the country that benefits most from the EU, they are in the black financially, infact to the same amount most other EU countries are in the red. Did people know that the EU is going to implement this


Who helps yhe UK out of our debt? UK citizens. So why do we while in so much debt ourselves keep giving money away.
Don't get me wrong some things are sad around the world, my question is this is it fair to burden the UK with moredebt or should we be using the money we give away to clean up our own affairs.

Scaremongering is silly. If we come out of the EU houseprices will fall. That's good more people will be able to afford a home.
If we come out we will pay more for goods yes but we will save what we give to the EU each week we willprobably find with most things that they will balance themselves out, we may have people who are now paying extra to private rent a home be able to get affordable rent from the council. Again it is people UK born who are paying this extra rent because the EU immigrants have been getting priority on housing. Both councils local to me admitted this is why we can not get a home from them

It's a fact.... The EU is the world’s only shrinking trading bloc, it really is that simple. Why we would want to chain ourselves to that is just beyond me.

... and while we are talking about immigration. It also affects non-EU migrants ... So that brilliant surgeon from India or that genius structural engineer from the Philippines or that fantastic scientist from Hong Kong, or just that hard working couple from Canada with Scottish roots who want to come and open a lovely little restaurant ... nope sorry, you aren't from an EU country. That doesn't strike me as beneficial or fair (to them or us) ... and the reason we say no to these people is because the government is under so much pressure to keep the overall figures down and it is only the immigration from outside the EU that they can control. ... I don't get it, I just don't.
and that isn't just pie in the sky talk either..

Sorry it's the mail and sorry about their stupid linking to albanian drug dealers. But the real story under all the mail crap is that we are deporting good people because they aren't EU members. I heard Jason Zielsdorf on the radio and it just made me want to scream. This is NOT good for the UK.

The issue for me is the very nature of the EU parliament. For example our country is not part of the single currency, and a new law which would benefit those countries who are but would disadvantage us, is going to go through simply because we are in the minority. There are all of these voting blocks big and small and it's insane. It's freaking eurovision in an expensive suit is what it is.
I am quite sad to read this.

I took part, signed petitions, emailed the people we was advised too, and it seemed to me that the TPD was surely going to be out.

This is quite a blow, not only do I feel for current vapers, but also people who will now not be introduced to vaping if it truly will alter by 96% peoples ability to come across vaping goods.

So, what happens now? Does this mean for the next 10 years the TPD will be in effect, and vaping as outlined a part of this? Are there any current effects happening due to the ruling, or will it likely be after the 6 month grace period we see things start to change?
Good point. We're bound to be freed from corruption and bureaucratic incompetence if we leave the EU. ;)
Nah not freed ... but at least we will have a government we can change every five years and actually petition (not that it does much good) .. rather than unelected officials making regulations of self interest behind closed doors and sitting behind an over payed and reasonably powerless EU parliament
If we come out we will pay more for goods yes but we will save what we give to the EU each week we willprobably find with most things that they will balance themselves out, we may have people who are now paying extra to private rent a home be able to get affordable rent from the council. Again it is people UK born who are paying this extra rent because the EU immigrants have been getting priority on housing. Both councils local to me admitted this is why we can not get a home from them

There is no such thing as affordable rents, the definition of affordable is 80% of private market rate. The reason why rents are so high and you cant get a home from the council is because the stock has been sold to previous tenants or transferred to housing associations. Look closely at recent Tory legislation and you will find that basically they have abolished social / council / housing association homes for poor and needy people and families, whilst immigration does of course impact negatively on housing supply the main reason for the housing crisis and high rents is because of policies and legislation introduced by the Tories from 1980 onwards and silently supported through inaction by the Labour Governments and Labour in opposition. Since 2010 the Tories have been on a mission to destroy what's left of council housing and they're doing a proper job of it.
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