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A sad day for vapours. we are fooked

Me again. @andi52 raises a point that I still find totally unbelievable. Housing Stock.
In this part of the country there are/were a great many Airbases. We are all aware that many of these are being closed down and many more already have closed and been mothballed. It amazes me........ The perfectly serviceable houses that are just lying empty and are in all probability going to end up being raised to the ground when the developers come in. Especially at the bases that have been run by the USAF, they are completely catered for with their own shops, cinemas, in some cases schools, medical facilities, Churches, you name it, it's already there.

Now I do realise that living on something that was once an enclosed Base will not appeal to some, but given the alternatives, which in some cases, not all, granted, but in some cases would make the difference between having a roof over one's head, or being on the Streets........ surely we have a HUGE resource just sitting here?
Yes, I am the first to admit that these bases are usually in more rural locations, but every one of them has at the very least...... Bus Stops outside the Gates. Many are on the edge of quite well developed towns and villages. It seems absolute craziness to me that we have these facilities just sitting empty and in many cases falling into decay and disrepair when we have a desperate national housing shortage?

As I said, we all know that there would be many who would perhaps not think living on an ex RAF or USAF Base as ideal, but as a short term place of safety where one can house oneself and family, wouldn't this make sense?
Leaving the whole 'in/out' thing to one side, (I've a long held opinion on unelected twats handing out laws) and gettin back to the orrigional post ;) I don't 'do' politics. There's many reasons for this, but, A. It's not relevant to my point, and B, TBH, I couldn't be arsed explaining. :D
I'm quite open about the fact I'm very jaded, and about as far from an optimist as you can be, but I'm NOT a defeatist, more a realist. :)
I've seen this from the start, and I'm sorta baffled. Not with the TPD, that just a piece of shite, and one that's been shoved down our throats. That shouldn't be a surprise, it's not the first time it's happened. What baffles me is, the whole 'we're all doomed' attitude.
No mater what the TPD says, anyone who wants, will continue to get any vape related stuff they need/want.
I'm old enough to remember the dark, time before Internet, days. (I'm also old enough to remember when a 'mobile phone' was a big red box 15 minutes walk away ! ;) ) Once I discovered the wonders of the interweb, I realised I could have ANYTHING I wanted delivered to my door. That's not going to change, not until EVERY piece of mail entering the country is stopped and checked. That's NOT going to happen.
Advertising will be banned, restricting info for people wanting to stop smoking. Not really. I made the switch based on nothing more than a foggy half memory, from 2 years before, that, and eBay. There's a huge amount of info already out there, so anyone who wants info will get it.
I just can't see how we're doomed or fucked.
Yes, the TPD is a monumental kick in the sensitive bits, and an unmitigated pile of shite stuffed full of ulterior motives, but the reality of the whole thing is, no mater what the TPD/UK government/EU say, nothing much will change. People who WANT to vape to stop smoking, will, any kit you want, will still be available. The government are incapable of stopping this, but fail to see, or (and more likely) choose to ignore the fact that by bringing in the TPD they will damage the UK economy. The government will continue allow the sale, and people will continue to pay increasingly high prices, for a product that is deemed so dangerous to health, that it has to be hidden from public view.
Like I said, nothing much will change, not defeatist, just realistic.

OK, maybe we ARE fucked, but that's got bugger all to do with the TPD. :D
pinched courtesy of Disco Des on AAEC

rejected by the speaker of the house. http://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2016-06-08a.1204.9&s=(e-cigarettes)+section:debates+section:whall+section:commons#g1205.1

wonder how big his email in box is

John Bercow Speaker Of The House Of Commons email.

Email: [email protected]

a few more have signed the EDM 115 https://www.parliament.uk/edm/2016-17/115

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Standing Order 24 is for emergency debates and speakers rarely if ever agree to that.
Good to see Anne Main is not giving up on it.

Many politicians have shown their true colours when it comes to attitudes towards vaping. We're not fucked, this is just foreplay.
We've been fucked from the start, cos we have to put up with incompetent wankers like this.
Dear Vaper,
Yes you, the guy that said "ayy m8 i can't be arsed innit". And you, the one who though "what's the point? petitions are dumb". And you, the one who didn't care enough to really research what the consequences of TPD are. I wish to extend a sincere fuck you to you, friend. Fuck as in "you're fucked", because I'm that guy with a tonne of gear and supplies (guess who can still make strong juice and use all the banned gear, well shiiiieeet mayne). When years down the line from now you find out that your buddy Michael has lung cancer, and could have avoided it if only he stopped smoking but was't able to, remember TPD and your lack of action. No, you didn't give him cancer, but you sure as fuck could have done something to help him not get it. Good luck!

A guy who isn't affected by TPD.

POTV (and a few other vape communities I'm sure) were on the case 24/7, it was a good effort. Unfortunately the public just doesn't care, too bad, now they will suffer for it. I'm lucky to have discovered this place when I did. It started with a google search for "do e cigarettes work?" and ended up with me leading a much healthier lifestyle overall (not just smoking cessation).
One thing that irritates me about this country is the whole better the devil you know attitude.
If we never took risks we would all still be living in caves.
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