I wish inspiration could net me such lovely end results!Thanks dude. I am well chuffed with it. There are a few flaws but never the less, it's ended much better then I expected it to.
Nothing wrong with using that switch at all man. You just want to wap a fet in there to do the hard work and releave it of the load. Have a peep at the modmaker diagram. Really wont take much time or effort to add to your existing circuit. Will save you time in the long run. [emoji108]Thanks guys for all your comments.
@Loco, no fet hidden I'm afraid. I know the momentary switches aren't the best but I already had a few and figured I might as well use them. It's easily removed and replaced if needed (and I had nothing else to use them for) so waste not want not and all that malarkey.
@Kwisatz Haderach, I'm not completely sure yet, I'm thinking of rebuilding/repurposing a smy 60 that I got thinking it was smaller then what it is.