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A tribute to Rip trippers .

joking aside I'm going to put this out there

why the drama why is every other reviewer up in arms rip trippers said that he earnt money

I'm going to say one thing here, do I as a modmaker buy parts for mods and then give them away for free because I get a warm glowy feeling inside and I will go to heaven.....

no, I do this for two reasons 1. I enjoy it (for the first time I feel at peace in making something) and 2. it puts food on my table

so if I will play devils advocate all the big reviewers do reviews to make no money full time? this begs the question how do they live how do they eat...for real come on, move on, I make a mod that isn't right I move on in life. I don't keep going on about it envy is a terrible thing rip is there because he sells products the same as apple Samsung LG amazon he's a business keep on going on about it his subscriptions will go up and up and the money will keep coming in from companies....... clever clever guy
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He's an influencer, which is lower than a reviewer, only just..... buy the pod, the pod is now, the pod is the future, keep on podding:)
Do you even vape bro:)

You forgot to add this photo of your hero :drool: lol
Only if i get to throw it at him to test its durability

Cant beieve this thread is still going on

because he’s big in the industry as a YouTube star he can break or make a product more so than any other, I watched him in the early days I don’t dislike him or like him I’m just amazed at the reaction over it all
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