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About to give up DIY, save me!


Jul 31, 2015
Ok so after trying out the pink lemonade recipe on this very website (also same recipe on multiple other sites) I felt it tasted awful. Really chemical like and too much throat hit/burn (70vg:30pg). Thought maybe the flavours were a dodgy batch and I was comparing it too much to the original pink lemonade.

I ordered a whole heap of flavours to try other recipes... And was disappointed yet again.

I mixed up a few 10ml bottles of "mothers milk clone" and "sucker punch original" (exact same % of flavours, 70:30 and 80:20 of each).

Let it steep for approx a week despite many websites and forums saying it's good as a shake n vape. Steeping helped darken it quite a bit and the smell became lovely, it was white and stank like perfume now it's like a golden yellow and smells delicious.

I was excited and gave them a crack today and just have no clue wtf I'm doing wrong. I comprehend taste is subjective but I'm not a retard, I can distinguish the difference between a flavour I don't like and a flavour that just tastes off/wrong. Do I need MORE steep time on a flavour that's supposedly shake n vape ready??

- all flavours from chefs vapour
- nic from chefs vapour 72mg 100% VG
- using 3mg nic
- VG & PG from lubrisolve
- recipe used same on multiple websites, I didn't adjust any %'s or modify it
- steeped for a week
- tried different tanks/drippers/ohms

Really getting stressed out now.

Going to try VG alone, PG alone, then the VG+PG+nic just to ensure one of these aren't ruining it, although they're all from reputable sources.

any advice or help is greatly appreciated!
When you say all flavours from Chef's Vapour what do you mean?
Are they their own ones or 'brands'.
CV do loads of different brands.
The recipe thread will often say which brand of concentrate to use.
Flavour art Strawberry and Flavour apprentice Strawberry can taste totally different (I only pick this as an example - never tried Flavour Art Strawberry).

Double check the recipes and which brand they are suggesting and make sure you are following EXACTLY - but - you are correct also, one mans paradise is an others hell, otherwise we would all toot identical juice!
Sorry I wasn't clear. I meant I got them from chefs vapour but various brands TFA, CAP etc.

Mentioned chefs vapour as it's quite reputable and I didn't just buy some dodgy concentrates from eBay.

Edit: I'm using the exact brands the recipe suggests at the exact %
Maybe try an alternative nicotine base? Base is supposed to be taste-neutral, but some can be quite peppery (for example), which changes the flavour. I had a similar experience to yours with DIY (not with concentrates from Chef's Vapour, but other vendors recommended at the time, and reputable makes). Only discovered the base was the culprit when I added it to some 0mg bought juice; it was a lot different to the bought 12mg which I'd had before.
Are you additing sweetners and addatives to your mixs?
Literally nothing added or taken away. 100% copied recipe, no modifications to it.

Maybe try an alternative nicotine base? Base is supposed to be taste-neutral, but some can be quite peppery (for example), which changes the flavour. I had a similar experience to yours with DIY (not with concentrates from Chef's Vapour, but other vendors recommended at the time, and reputable makes). Only discovered the base was the culprit when I added it to some 0mg bought juice; it was a lot different to the bought 12mg which I'd had before.
I suspect this, would it be ok to just make a flavourless mix (VG + PG) alone to check, then add my nic and check?

This is the nicotine I have:
Could well be the Nic, I've had some recently from a site and all mixes I made tasted wrong. I've not been mixing that long but the 1st load I mixed were great which was all brought with a kit from make my vape. So ordered some Nic and a few more concentrates from them and again my mixes are good. I've also done a few simple recipes from make my vape website and gotta say I'm impressed.
On another note I found some concentrates I've had are also poor, the same from make my vape smell totally different but yet supposed to be the same. (Not from cv may I add) guess there is some quality issues out and about.
The Nic which wasn't good for me had a pink tinge weather that made any difference or not
Literally nothing added or taken away. 100% copied recipe, no modifications to it.

I suspect this, would it be ok to just make a flavourless mix (VG + PG) alone to check, then add my nic and check?

This is the nicotine I have:

Sounds sensible. I can't recall where I got my peppery 72mg VG from, but it wasn't Chef's Vapour. I found Vampire Vapes 72mg PG more neutral (PG is easier to work with, too).
I'm both hoping it is and it isn't the nic. I've overspent already this month lol but on the positive I can order another nic and be done with the horrible juice batches
It's not your nic unless it's actually gone bad.

Taste is subjective and we may both love a juice but we may be tasting something completely different. You may not taste cinnamon but I might, and if I overdo it in my clone it will taste odd to you.

Snake Oil is a good example. Many gigabytes on the web are taken up discussing its ingredients, but I identified them straight away and made an identical clone. But no-one else thinks so, just me.

Why not try to come up with your own mixes rather than copying others? Imagine a flavour and try to create it. Settle for a stock juice in the meantime, Chef's has plenty of blends.
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