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advice needed RDA/RTA whats best for me

Ijoy combo + bottle around 15ml
Got today djv 2ml & top fill

By 'keep up' I don't mean 'not need filling often'.

I mean not rip my throat out with a dry hit because it can't wick fast enough.
The Wotofo Recurve was my 1st RDA (was a stock coil tank fella)

What I love is it came with 3 pre-made coils, plenty of cotton, a "coiling/measuring tool" plus the usual wee screwdriver. So no having to stress on what coils or what cotton and more expense/waiting for everything to turn up. Its ready to go. The coils and cotton lasted me maybe 2months? Bag of cotton for about a fiver and a load (42!) Coilology pre-made coils (which also came with loads of cotton strips) for £8.

I have since got a Hellvape Dead Rabbit SQ & recently a Blitz Hermetic, all these are single coil "flavour chasers." The Recurve is still the flavour daddy., 0.25 - 0.3ohm coils @ 43-45W.

The Recurve is small and short so not a lot of juice held but fine to drip on carefully until you start getting the sheckles together for a squonker cos you will be hooked on the absolute popping flavours....( a Topside, 10ml, 21700...spendy but its next gen, zero hassle or mess...)

cheers mate
I’ll also give a shout for Blitz (the hermetic or the ghoul- which you should get cheap if you shop around). Easy to build and wick, great design and great flavour. As others have said dripping is a pain but if you want the flavour that’s the job (unless you squonk)
In my opinion, if you want an RTA I would go for a Kensei. It is really easy to put the coils in and wick and the flavour is really good. If it's an RDA you are after I find my Grim Green Recoil easy to coil and wick and you have 2 caps - 1 for flavour and 1 for bigger clouds. Both caps are excellent. You could also go for a Dotmod RDA which is simple to coil and wick but I found that the cap they give is not too good on flavour so I use a Trinity glass cap instead.
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