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Review All Japanese cotton is not equal


Mar 14, 2014
This is just a short one but I thought worth mentioning just in case anyone was on the fence about buying this stuff.

A few weeks a go I bought some Japanese cotton from plumeblu after reading all the hype and to be honest I was a bit disappointed, while it wicked like a beast the flavour was actually quite muted compared to my usual organic cotton. I tried all kind of different thicknesses of wick but it was just not performing.

While ordering my mini fogger from redjuice, I noticed they were selling KGD and thought " what the hell" fully expecting it to be identical to the stuff I got from plumeblu.

It cost me £1.89 for three pads and on opening the packet I immediately noticed how much thinner they are, however they felt so much softer then the other Japanese cotton, almost velvet like.

i instantly wicked up my Rose v2 clone and WOW full on flavour, no break in time at all and wicking extremely well.

I wouldn't say the flavour was any better then my organic cotton after it has broken in but it is so much better then the other Japanese cotton I bought.

Is it worth the money? Probably not but I am still going to continue to use KGD because it is just so easy to work with.
Labo jap cotton is cheaper and easier to find than kgd but so similar, give it a try and dont bother buying shop marked up cotton for crazy prices unless you just want to test it out
I've tried (takes deep breath) silica,voodoo, cotton wool, Muji cotton,stainless steel and several other types of wick, and prefer the Muji or voodoo wool. The worst has been Rayon, it started off great, but after a week or so I'd decided that coconut flavourings were causing my dry mouth so quit using a heap of my juices. The dry mouth then changed to dry cough and sore throat and by chance I picked up my RDA that still had voodoo wicks and within half an hour the dryness in my throat was gone. So I have an almost full bag of Rayon stuffed in the back of the drawer which I use to rebuild mates gear with (until they complain,or the bag is used up ) :D
I've tried (takes deep breath) silica,voodoo, cotton wool, Muji cotton,stainless steel and several other types of wick, and prefer the Muji or voodoo wool. The worst has been Rayon, it started off great, but after a week or so I'd decided that coconut flavourings were causing my dry mouth so quit using a heap of my juices. The dry mouth then changed to dry cough and sore throat and by chance I picked up my RDA that still had voodoo wicks and within half an hour the dryness in my throat was gone. So I have an almost full bag of Rayon stuffed in the back of the drawer which I use to rebuild mates gear with (until they complain,or the bag is used up ) :D


Voodoo is some really good stuff, Iv got some rayon and some Biowick on the way so I'm going to try and do a comparison.
Exactly the same as Chegs been through them all and rayon, it gave me the same sore throat and I also got headache from it . As far as jap , cotton I agree there are so many different vendors selling cotton sheets that are different from one vendor to the other , I remember when it first started using it I ordered it and because it never had the wee black specks on it i thought I had been ripped off but I used it and it was ok . I have tried a few that are not the same but found most of them to be fine . I get mine from vape mesh and think they are fine. Hope you get on ok with what you have ordered not all people get the same reaction to rayon my pal uses it and swears by it .I have bookmarked that site at Unclebilbo nice one that sounds a good buy as well:grin2:
Ken Gen Do cannot be beaten for cotton. Its the fibres ALL going the same direction and the manufacturing process (OK, I made those 2 reasons up but it sounded good!)
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