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An Apology from The Vaping Guru

Has this seller had a drug meltdown?
In the past i've seen sellers reply to threads like this and it always ends where word gets around and folk just don't buy anything from them. Word GET's around very quickly and spreads from forum to forum and Facefcuk like wildfire....

Good luck to the seller for the future cos your gunna need it....
Hi Ray

Any chance I could get my refund please, or confirmation of the rumour that goods are on their way out on Friday?


There is a high chance that he will confirm the goods are on their way, however they've been "on their way" for set dates a few times. Still not seen one person say they've had their product, not just Wasp Nano's either so it's not an isolated incident. The fact of the matter is RayThor has stuffed the lot of our money up his hooter while manically shooting at pigeons with his sniper rifle.
I just keep replying to 2 threads on here in the vain hope Ray or someone might actually respond in some fashion!! :(
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Vaping gurus customer service is......

After all that upset at me calling you names @Ray@thevapingguru and then we moved forward and you said you'd sort the refund.....I mean, i dont want to say I am shocked, because that would be a fat whopper of a lie, but theres still no refund?
After all that upset at me calling you names @Ray@thevapingguru and then we moved forward and you said you'd sort the refund.....I mean, i dont want to say I am shocked, because that would be a fat whopper of a lie, but theres still no refund?
Don't sweat it buddy. PP will refund you 11 days after you escalated the claim.
Good to know ! never done this before! thanks
No worries. They will automatically issue your refund after he fails to prove delivery within the 11 days he was given by PP to respond to your claim.
Just caught up with the latest posts over the four? threads and wondering if there are people that are still undecided or still think this so called company is bonafide.
Its pretty obvious my vote has been scammer from the moment i read the my experience from TVG.
Which way have you swayed?
Just caught up with the latest posts over the four? threads and wondering if there are people that are still undecided or still think this so called company is bonafide.
Its pretty obvious my vote has been scammer from the moment i read the my experience from TVG.
Which way have you swayed?

Scammers or not the important thing I reckon is that they’ve proved themselves to be bad characters.
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