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Another call to ban Vaping


Nov 3, 2012
St. Louis resident writes to the Galleria 7 West County Malls, asking for an indoor smoking ban on e-cigarettes so he doesn't have to breathe in the "smoke" from them. Comments are open - we welcome you to educate him on the topic!


My comment
Wow, would you also ban nicotine patches & gum, asthma inhalers etc?
The smoke isn't smoke for starters. Its vapour, so you should include in your ban, anyone breathing out, especially on a cold day..
Perhaps you are being misled by the fact that they are being called (only in some places) E(lectronic)-cigarettetes.
ENDS is what they are, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, so nothing to do with smoking. You aren't getting any nicotine from it, as that is already absorbed by the person vaping almost instantly.
Are you morally outraged that an ex-smoker has managed to get themselves out of the group that is being constantly demonised & discriminated against & you just don't like it.
Before calling for a ban try doing some research & find out what you are actually talking about.
I'm in that sort of mood today

"Hear hear, just the other day I was in a cancer ward surrounded by terminally ill people with slim hopes of survival and thought to myself "They really should do everything they can to stop innocent people shopping in malls being slightly inconvenienced by a small cloud of water vapour when popping out to buy more stuff they don't need". I too have been outraged by seemingly insignificant things while engaged in daily activities and can only hope your letter to the editor find more success than my recent letter to a well known supermarket about their oranges being too round."
I would respond, but find most editorial staff aren't to fond of publishing two word responses! :eagerness:
well I would be boll ocksed as I smoke mine in the office when stressed, all i get off my boss is a massive giggle but I save him a hr a day not going outside for a fag

well I would be boll ocksed as I smoke mine in the office when stressed, all i get off my boss is a massive giggle but I save him a hr a day not going outside for a fag


you have really taken to this Carlos .. loving your little guy in your sig
you have really taken to this Carlos .. loving your little guy in your sig

its going really well mate, TBH ive packed in a couple of times before but hurt as i did cold turkey. since i had my last fag sat morning at 8am i have not touched one and its nto bothered me once, know how long it takes to say I have saved money is another question after what i have spent in a week getting the kit lol. I even ordered a rebuildable last night, that will be fun trying to figure out.

What rebuildable ?
What rebuildable ?

I;ll post it up tomorrow mate, xmas pressie off my mum as she has been at me 15years to pack the fags in lol. it begins with C though, just hope I dont take a hammer to it, been reading up on the tips rizla paper etc when setting one up.

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