You may be right, but I'm still not keen on outright bans, and I think there can be a place for disposables if there is enough will to manage disposal correctly.
One area where OTS fines did seem to work, at least in my anecdotal experience is.... dogshit.There has been a lot less of it floating about the streets where I've lived since OTS fines were introduced.
Having widely accessible vape bins where disposables can be disposed off would also be a big step forward IMO. Can't see them going down well in schools though. But people are much more likely to be good citizens if you make it easy for them.
You would think that Vapers who use them would themselves be responsible
there are already regs in place for both retailers and manufacturers of electronic waste to make provision for taking waste electronic gash back ..... they just need to be enforced
Guns, GBH, torture porni don’t mind outright bans if they are banning things that are not acceptable. there are loads of things that are already banned
Drugsa lot of things are banned that shouldn’t be
My god, where do you begin.... tories, funding police through speed traps, smok, revolving door regulation, cunts in generalthere are things that should be banned that aren’t.
I would say it's quite a good likeness. Chucking disposies in the street is about on a par with shitting on somebody's doorstep.i think the dog shit thing is quite specific and prob a bit different, it changed because somehow it was successful in changing the culture. it became unacceptable to most folk.
I would say it's quite a good likeness. Chucking disposies in the street is about on a par with shitting on somebody's doorstep.