nichrome is Nickel: 57-58%, Chromium: 16%, Silicon: 1.5%, Iron: Balance
kanthal A is
Kanthal A-1 is a ferritic iron-chromium-aluminium alloy
so basically different materials in there makeup
Kanthal forms a layer of Aluminium oxide
Nichrome forms a layer of Chromium oxide
nichrome apparently can leave a bit of a nasty aftertaste to your juice . never tried it so cant confirm.
also dont make the common mistake and mix up AWG with thickness.
i use .32 kanthal ( which is .28 AWG)
where as .20 kanthal is AWG .32 which can result in people buying the wrong one getting .32 awg thiinking thay are getting .32mm wire and ending up with very thin and very hard to use .20mm kanthal.
so i would go by thickness rather than AWG ( AWG can cover 2 or 3 thicknesses too to add confusion )
anything between .28 and .32mm thickness Kanthal A1 is generally considered the ideal to use