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Another Newb


Feb 6, 2014

I first got into vaping a while ago but started to take it seriously a few weeks ago. I bought a mini protank 2 kit which lasted me about 2 days before i felt the urge to upgrade.

I now have a Kayfun lite plus, and a Sigelei zmax. I'm still learning how to coil and wick with the KFL, i don't think i like Ekowool so i've got some organic cotton to try. I've got the urge now to get another atty :D
Thanks guys!

The first few days were great with the KFL, nice warm vape and full of flavour, it blew me away. I just cant get it the same now for some reason, tend to get a dry, slight burnt taste after a few drags. Hopefully it will be better with cotton.

I'm thinking i might try a genny too soon.
Welcome to the Gang Mate!!! Respect to you on the Kit, It took me Eighteen Months to get the Bottle to move up to RBAs!!! That and the Fact that I'm a Lazy Bastard!!!:welcome1:
Welcome Marty! Glad you could join us!

The first few days were great with the KFL, nice warm vape and full of flavour, it blew me away. I just cant get it the same now for some reason, tend to get a dry, slight burnt taste after a few drags. Hopefully it will be better with cotton.

I'm thinking i might try a genny too soon.

It takes some fiddling around to get things just right with the KFL. I have no experience with ekowool myself so I got nothing for you there... Cotton in my 3.1 is perfect so I never mucked around with anything else. Clouds and tonnes of flavor!
It sounds like you got a wicking issue. Make sure your coils aren't too tight or they end up choking the wick and burning what little juice gets to the coils. Less is more when it comes to wicks!
Good luck and vApe on!
Oh No! I have only just upgraded from CE5s lol to a Vamo V5 and a protank 3 now I want a KFL.... Hows it Vape? :welcome2:
Oh No! I have only just upgraded from CE5s lol to a Vamo V5 and a protank 3 now I want a KFL.... Hows it Vape? :welcome2:
Heh... I can't speak for everyone, but my KF 3.1 blew my PT's out of the water! I rebuild all my PT heads with 1.8 ohm microcoils and cotton wicks, that was a huge improvement... but the 3.1 with the same micro/cotton builds is stunning! It does take some practice and a bit of reading, but it was sooo worth it.
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