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Another Tobacco Giant To Move into the e-cig market?

I'll look closer in future...makes no wonder Lin calls me "a little monkey" all the time lol
Big Tobacco will have no issues paying £20k + each to get their products licensed - in fact they'll probably lobby that it is the only way to 'Make sure ecigs are safe for consumers'!

They won't particularly want to see them 'Medically' defined as that would be Big Pharmas territory - and they have probably been paying for ecig research for a while in secret too.

Their involvement might secure that Vaping has a future - but more likely on their financial terms ;)

Think Coca Cola/Pepsi - no other companies can compete with their advertising budget - so can't compete directly with them :(
Fill your freezer with Nicotine and flavouring and get Mixing your own, the only way to feel independent of the bullies.
Well said, some great points there, but if we don't have the cash, we certainly have the numbers and there is strength in numbers too!

We really do live in a capatalist world sugar coated with the word "democracy" smothered all over it!
The Political Clout is with the Capital - i.e. the Lobby groups that pay for our Western Polical Campaigns - Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and Big Sugar ;)
The Political Clout is with the Capital - i.e. the Lobby groups that pay for our Western Polical Campaigns - Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and Big Sugar ;)

Big Sugar sounds like the most palatable option of the three. ;)
Are things starting to go the right way ?

The EU's JURI committee (legal affairs) has recommended that the ENVI committee remove e-cigarettes and certain other proposals from the proposed TPD.

This is excellent news for us as it indicates that somebody in the EU has actually looked at the public health issues instead of blindly following the EU / pharmaceutical and cigarette industry agenda to protect cigarette sales at any cost.

The JURI committee's recommendations in brief are:

- Remove e-cigarettes entirely from the TPD for two reasons:
- Less harmful alternatives to smoking are required
- The inclusion of e-cigarettes would not stand up to legal challenge
- Remove certain clauses that would delegate wide-ranging powers to the EU's committees and would remove those powers from the democratic process
- Remove or amend certain plain packaging requirements and similar measures for cigarettes

Well that is very good news for us.

Source here (Rolygate):


And the committee report here

yes - the letters, emails etc to MEPs have been working after all - keep up the pressure, do not relax now !

On a personal note,
I find it strange that these MEP's and instant experts are quick to ban and control things they know little about and present scary scenarios without scientific support but are comfortable with the current regulations on two known and proven causes of health problems, tobacco and alcohol.

If these people are all about health they would at least debate regulating the upper limit of alcohol allowed in a beer or bottle of wine and put anything containing alcohol under the type of regulation they planned for nicotine, I like a beer, I'm just trying to see if there is any hypocrisy here being as health issues and drink driving accident figures are feely available etc etc....

I think they missed the point, e-cigs are a safer alternative not a quitting device, even though it appears to help more people quit than the licensed and highly profitable nicotine replacements the greedy pharma companies have been peddling for years.

All I see is an attempt to replace lost tax revenue as the sale of tobacco decreases, multi billion dollar tobacco companies looking to invest in reports and products to gain a controlling interest in vaping, it's not rocket science, governments would tax a fart if they could and the large corporations are greedy, self serving and will invest whatever it takes to have the lions share.

I also think Roberto Bertollini needs a kick up the ass:
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Excellent post and some great information there.

We think it is quite funny that at this stage when all the supposed 'talks' were going to be taking place, especially here in the UK about the re-classification and of course the USA about a total ban, that both governments have put these talks back, just at the same time as the big tobacco giants decide they want in - although Imperial Tobacco was mentioned early last year as having bought an interest in an e-cig company.

The thing is that I wouldn't buy my e-liquid from a tobacco giant - they've been lying to us for years, what's to stop them doing it again? It's just sheer greed with them and the government with their taxes and you are quite right, they would tax a fart if they could.

We are independent retailers who want to do the best we can for our customers and we are growing by the day, it's great news what you have said, but I can foresee that if they do try to re-classify e-cigs, by the time they get round to doing it, there will be so many people vaping, they'll have a riot on their hands. Let's face it, they are part of the problem anyways, they've made tobacco cigs so expensive (so that people will quit) bullshit! They expect people to buy gums, lozenges, patches and worst of all the inhalator which, if you are a 20 a day smoker, would cost you £12.99 a day to buy in order to help you quit...what absolute nonsense. I tried most things, even hypnosis, didn't try the inhalator, but the fact is that I missed my nicotine. I love vaping, I love mixing up my e-liquids and making different flavours. Compared to alcohol and tobacco getting my nicotine, this is probably the safest drug I can buy legally, safer than even diet Coke or Pepsi and many other ASPARTAME loaded drinks. I don't drink alcohol anyway, so I can say without a shadow of a doubt that after 325 DAYS of vaping, I am definitely a healthier person.

Messrs. Cameron & Clegg should both take up vaping, it doesn't matter that they can afford to smoke, it just sends out the worst message possible to the youth in this Country, and they are worried that kids will buy e-cigs to look "COOL", dickheads!

Linda (& Rob)
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