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Any reviews/comparison of the 4 mods of 400W PLUS links where to buy in UK online?


May 14, 2024
I am new here. I registered to ask a specific question which should be in this section, I suppose:

However, there is this sentence there:

"You have insufficient privileges to post threads here."

So, I write it here:

Please, is there any reviews /comparison (pls links) of the 4 mods of 400W PLUS links where to buy in UK online?

I would like to decide which one I should buy. Please, can you tell me any differences of these 4 mods of 400W in the specification terms?

1) Steam Crave Hadron Pro 400W

2) Hammer Of God 400W from Vaperz Cloud

3) Smok Power Engine 400W

4) The Rebel Mod Beast - 400W

I found only these 4 ones of 400W. If there is another one(s), feel free to let me know.
Hi @oro and welcome to the planet.

can i ask why you only want a 400watt mod?
weve seen in the past brand new vapers join to ask for mechs and high powered mods and once they explained it rang alarm bells as they thought they could go straight in with their first ever kit and vape at 200watts just to make massive clouds.
So the usual questions, how long have you vaped, what kits have you used in the past, what wattage or TC settings are you hoping to use and what nic strength do you use.
Ive not used any of these kits but a quick search brought up the rebel beast available in the uk for £250.
1) Steam Crave Hadron Pro 400W
Out of the 4;
The one above uses a LiPo battery (effectively 2@21700 runtime), super tall and can fit 35mm atty.
I'd never buy anything Smok
#2 and #4 uses regular round cells
Because there is not the option in my post to edit it, I must correct here this:

I am looking for 400W of REGULATED.

Not Mechanical I incorrectly stated above.

I like the hot in my nasopharynx and throat. Especially when I have the cold / sore in throat and nasopharynx. The standard tobacco cigarettes always help me.

I used to use a Vuse e-pen but it wasn't as hot as standard tobacco cigarettes where it's about 900 °C.

So, I believe 400W of REGULATED can replace the standard tobacco cigarettes to have the hot in my throat and nasopharynx.

I suppose, I will buy Steam Crave Hadron Pro 400W Mod with Evolv DNA 250C Chipset.

100watts will get you the throat hit you need and i dont think you will ever find any coil that can handle 200-400w without doing some serious damage to your throat.
You don't need 200w to get throat hit, mate.
I also like a throat hit with my juice, and i can get it with 50-60w.
Playing about with the airflow will get you what you want.
The Hadron Pro is a 200w mod as it only has 2 batteries. The 400w version is a LiPo 4cell mod that allows full power from the board. The Hammer is a 4 cell removable battery type again capable of 400w.
None of them are required to get a hot vape, that'll be down to the type of rda/rta and coils you use.
Nobody uses the 400w variants for pushing up to 400w through a coil/coils as it is unavailable. These large mods are used more for longevity of battery life.
Any main stream mod of 100-200w will get your coils hot but also decent battery life, dual cell better than 1 as it's less stress on the battery.
So, to enable to enjoy full 400W I need mechanical mods.

But, there a question whether there exists any suitable resistance to enable using the full 400W when using a mechanical mods?

But, ...to reach 900 °C of the standard tobacco cigarettes to get the same hot into my throat and nasopharynx, no resistance should be the best?

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