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Anyone know an easy way to remove lacqer/paint from a mech?


Mar 26, 2021
I have a few mech tubes (mostly clones) covered with rather nasty clear coat that I would like to remove. I've stripped a couple of plain tubes with brasso and elbow grease - but this doesn't work particularly well with engravings or knurling - and quite frankly stripping using brasso is bloody hard work. If anyone knows of a way to remove lacquer easily, preferably without using chemicals I'd appreciate it.

Similarly I have a few brass and copper clones with the usual crappy paint that I would like to strip to bare metal - they have engravings/cut outs on the tube body so wet sanding isn't going to work. Anybody have an ideas of an easy way to get the paint out of these nooks and crannies.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Fine wire wool or scotch pads might be worth a try.
That’s how I use to remove lacquer from snooker cues
Remove any wiring and soak in Acetone and then if you can find one a toothbrush size wood handled wire brush to get into the fine details! Or cocktail sticks.
Unfortunately acetone is one of those chemically concoctions that I have a bad reaction to. One whiff of it and I'll have a headache and feel completely stoned (unfortunately not in a good way)

I'm sure it would work though, sadly I can't use it but it may be a useful tip for anyone that reads this thread later. Thanks for the suggestion.
Sorry, missed this one, bring water in a pan to the boil with a heaped tablespoon of baking soda (go easy it might froth up), leave the tube in it for 15 minutes on a rolling boil, the laquer should just slide off, done it a few times. Word of caution, any colourised engravings will also come away.

Filling engravings with nail varnish was covered in this thread

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