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Are we running before we can walk.

Agree 100%.

Although, and I've mentioned this to @ned before, my local b and m's are reluctant to do anything other than take your money, let alone give tutorials.

One of the two occasions I visited the one a lad came in asking if the guy in the shop would show him how to wick his dripper. He got told, by the shop owner, to have a look on YouTube.

I like what Innokin have done with their TC coils: either bright orange or red packaging and when you open every flap on the box of coils you get a big warning telling you they're for TC mods only.

This is where regulation should be aimed if the powers that be were actually interested in our well-being rather than their own vested interests. Chuck out the TPD and fund an independent trade body which requires vendors to ensure their customers are properly informed and that kit is safe.
This is where regulation should be aimed if the powers that be were actually interested in our well-being rather than their own vested interests. Chuck out the TPD and fund an independent trade body which requires vendors to ensure their customers are properly informed and that kit is safe.

Precisely. But they won't. Because, for the most part, they're not a true representation of the people. The House of Commons is not what it pretends to be unfortunately.
yes very much what everyone has said along with battery safety there needs to be more warnings/info from manufacturer's.
friend in work lit himself up on Thursday with an 18650 had no idea on battery boxes or that he shouldn't store them in his pocket
with his keys luckily it was his jacket pocket and not his trousers and he got it off in time, had a go at him but he had absolutely
no idea of the dangers until I told him what had actually happened, vaping for 3 years and had no idea what he was using.
the only good that came from it was he went directly from work to a vape shop who gave him some boxes free of charge.
Hi guys. Been answering a great deal of scary temp related questions in the newbie forum and I've only been with POTV a short while. Do you think temp control has been pushed on to cheap mods to quickly. It is not the easiest system. And until 510 connectors are designed with more than two electrical contacts it is unlikely to become " user friendly" for the new vaper anytime soon?.
Or am I just worrying?

A lot of cheap mods can handle it. Take the VTC mini for example, which performs much better than than my Vaporshark rDNA 40 and has a better 510. To be fair, the VS was a very early model.

In terms of safety, it's just like batteries. I think there is a duty of care to provide proper instructions and safety information at the point of sale. I think this should be primarily the responsibility of the manufacturer, but the vendor should also do what they can. Poor quality manuals are a problem, and not just for Chinese products - my first TC mod, the VS rDNA40, came with no instructions (well, minimal instructions printed on the box). I had done a fair bit of research before buying the mod, so I wasn't approaching it from a position of complete ignorance, but I still had to search online to find proper instructions on operating the device properly/safely online. I think the main problem is not cheap TC mods, but the inclusion of TC coils in starter sets without a proper explanation of what they are. Firing a kanthal coil in Ni mode is no more dangerous than wattage mode (because the mod will think the coil is cold and continue firing at the set wattage), the problem is firing a Ni/Ti coil in power mode. Maybe SS is a safer option for stock TC coils?

There is also a need for people to take a few minutes to read the instructions. You can't stop people buying things they don't understand how to use, all you can do is warn them that reading the instructions is a good idea, and that improper use can be dangerous. It's frustrating because the more people have accidents vaping, the more bad press it gets, but ultimately what can you do? You'd think all the media hype around exploding batteries would make vapers google battery safety, yet some are still mixing 18650s with keys and coins. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
You are right guy's. When I bought my wife a mod upgrade last year it was the first mod in our house with temp,control ( I stick 40 ) l bought it at a local b&m. They are part of a large chain of vape shops and they had no real,idea how it worked. But with more and more shopping done on amazon by rating/ price it is not going to get better. I think you are right that the coil of choice should be a universal one.
Innokin do seem to,be trying. I know they where reluctant to go to temp. But the market gave them no choice.
Yup. Any one with an iPhone 5s and later?

Do you use Siri? Fingerprint recognition?
I wouldn't if I were you [emoji6]

Yes, no, yes, and don't care. :) Honestly, if they've the time to spend payin attention to my mundane life, (with occasional visits to darker places) then they've obviously less of a life than me, so they're welcome to crack on, and I hope it brightens their day. lol
Yes, no, yes, and don't care. :) Honestly, if they've the time to spend payin attention to my mundane life, (with occasional visits to darker places) then they've obviously less of a life than me, so they're welcome to crack on, and I hope it brightens their day. lol
But aren't you worried they are going to find those missing Ronald McDonald's under your patio.!!
Interesting post. I've only just started vaping about 4 months ago and it's the safety aspect that really worries me. Sure you can read up and research but it's far to easy for anyone to go out and purchase something that's akin to a hand grenade if used incorrectly. There seems to be an awful lot of new vapers starting off at what I would consider an advanced level of vaping without putting the hours into learning the basics.
This site has been a really valuable tool for finding information, help and advice all in one place and I am so glad I found it.
Interesting post. I've only just started vaping about 4 months ago and it's the safety aspect that really worries me. Sure you can read up and research but it's far to easy for anyone to go out and purchase something that's akin to a hand grenade if used incorrectly. There seems to be an awful lot of new vapers starting off at what I would consider an advanced level of vaping without putting the hours into learning the basics.
This site has been a really valuable tool for finding information, help and advice all in one place and I am so glad I found it.
lets just hope the TPD dont scupper this with their soon to be implemented shite.
advertising banned on you tube (so tutorials and safety video's banned).
forums, we just dont know yet but once again advice on safety could be in jeopardy.

as mentioned above its so easy to make the mistake. i even done it myself.
i got the istick40TC on day of release. i had a freemax starre pro tank which (as far as i can remember) had one of the first Ni200 coils.
i tried it and it seemed ok but then the battery died. took the tank off and automatically put it on my istick50 and carried on.
it was this great forum that informed me about 3 days later that i shouldnt be doing that as the i50 didnt have TC (oh shit). after that ive never used TC again.
i scoured the internet for TC advice back then and there was just nothing out there.
now almost every mod and even some starter kits have TC and come with a Ni or Ti coil but every mod ive bought so far turns on for the first time in wattage mode WTF!
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