Ah ok, well if you get round to watching it let me knowspecifically stuff he was saying in the video someone posted the other day about pcr swab tests and their accuracy. it might be earlier in this thread. but on the basis of that i wouldn’t pay serious attention to anything he says. there was other questionable stuff but i didn’t waste the time watching all of it.
I hadn't seen it before as it was published yesterday.
Which part of the video do you find to be misleading?
He's going through the official figures and death rates in the uk and elsewhere in Europe and commenting on it so you'll have to point out to me the parts you feel are misleading?
The alien invasion isn't scheduled til 2022, Covid-19 first, Eurozone financial collapse in 2021 ... and then the alien invasion.
Doesn't that rag come with a free pinch of salt? The scheduling has gone to fuck.I heard on Conspiracy Daily that 2021 is Aliens
2022 is either Zombies or Godzilla.
He is rather selective in the numbers he chooses to compare.
He is against the level of restrictions so chooses to compare the uk and ireland with Sweden which he claims is the leader in pandemic control because of their less restrictive policies.
Is Sweden the world leader?
If you look at total deaths per million population between Sweeden and its closest neighbours you will see that you get
Sweden 583 deaths/ million
Netherlands 374
Germany 113
Denmark 112
Finland 62
Norway 50
Check the numbers here https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus#our-data-sources
and Portugal (197 deaths per 1m) is sandwiched right in between
Spain (696)
France (496)
So why is Portugal much lower ???
Why has Gibraltar not recorded one death yet at the southern tip of Spain (696) ???
Why has Belgium got 870 deaths per 1m but neighbours
Netherlands (380)
France (496)
Germany (115)
The point being the stats for each country vary - sometimes drastically, on their own
Sweden should have lost control by little strict measures & no initial loockdown
It performed no worse than the highest 3 European countries that did lockdown
Now I don't think Sweden is the "world leader at beating COVID-19" that some proclaim it to be
BUT - I accept Sweden does appear to have not lost control like many expected it to
Sure it has a high mortality rate than many others, but at the same time no worse than UK, Italy & Spain
It is not the be all success, say 4 months ago Sweden was level with Ireland at say 250 deaths per 1m
& Sweden is a little sketchy about updating its daily figures each day, often adding/revising them 2~3 days later
I believe Sweden has performed no worse than 3 worst effected countries, without following their restrictive measures
Other countries have performed much better and there are extreme examples with their neighbours like
Portugal (France/Spain)
Belgium (Germany/Netherlands/France) - a very mixed set of results there too
Gibraltar's zero deaths right next door to Spain, one of the highest with 696 deaths per 1m
(Gibraltar also has one of the highest tests per 1m & also cases per capita too, but still no deaths at all, let alone per 1m)
In my book, Sweden is NOT the perfect example many proclaim it to be...
BUT it has performed mildly OK (not outstanding) without imposing strong measures
which adds people point to, when suggesting lockdown's & strong measures may not be that effective
Figures differ between countries - sometimes very vastly
Figures should also be taken with a mild pinch of salt perhaps
But there odd examples on both sides of the debate about Sweden's approach to dealing with COVID
Questions are being raised, can we really control or slow the inevitable outcome...
and at what real cost to society - sorry if that sounds somewhat cold to some people
but people are talking about just how effective certain measures truly are 6 months later as more data is studied
I've said somewhere on here, isolate the vulnerable, perhaps follow something similar to Sweden's approach
& apply high doses of common sense, trying to return some sort of a new milder "normality" I'm afraid
people may agree/disagree & at varying degrees but that is my personal opinion - that's all
and Portugal (197 deaths per 1m) is sandwiched right in between
Spain (696)
France (496)
So why is Portugal much lower ???
Why has Gibraltar not recorded one death yet at the southern tip of Spain (696) ???
Why has Belgium got 870 deaths per 1m but neighbours
Netherlands (380)
France (496)
Germany (115)
The point being the stats for each country vary - sometimes drastically, on their own
Sweden should have lost control by little strict measures & no initial loockdown
It performed no worse than the highest 3 European countries that did lockdown
Now I don't think Sweden is the "world leader at beating COVID-19" that some proclaim it to be
BUT - I accept Sweden does appear to have not lost control like many expected it to
Sure it has a high mortality rate than many others, but at the same time no worse than UK, Italy & Spain
It is not the be all success, say 4 months ago Sweden was level with Ireland at say 250 deaths per 1m
& Sweden is a little sketchy about updating its daily figures each day, often adding/revising them 2~3 days later
I believe Sweden has performed no worse than 3 worst effected countries, without following their restrictive measures
Other countries have performed much better and there are extreme examples with their neighbours like
Portugal (France/Spain)
Belgium (Germany/Netherlands/France) - a very mixed set of results there too
Gibraltar's zero deaths right next door to Spain, one of the highest with 696 deaths per 1m
(Gibraltar also has one of the highest tests per 1m & also cases per capita too, but still no deaths at all, let alone per 1m)
In my book, Sweden is NOT the perfect example many proclaim it to be...
BUT it has performed mildly OK (not outstanding) without imposing strong measures
which adds people point to, when suggesting lockdown's & strong measures may not be that effective
Figures differ between countries - sometimes very vastly
Figures should also be taken with a mild pinch of salt perhaps
But there odd examples on both sides of the debate about Sweden's approach to dealing with COVID
Questions are being raised, can we really control or slow the inevitable outcome...
and at what real cost to society - sorry if that sounds somewhat cold to some people
but people are talking about just how effective certain measures truly are 6 months later as more data is studied
I've said somewhere on here, isolate the vulnerable, perhaps follow something similar to Sweden's approach
& apply high doses of common sense, trying to return some sort of a new milder "normality" I'm afraid
people may agree/disagree & at varying degrees but that is my personal opinion - that's all